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Railfan Technology > Uniden BC355N

Date: 06/19/23 18:05
Uniden BC355N
Author: Englewood

Any reviews of the BC355N scanner ?
A T.O. search  didn't find any.

I realize this is not a handheld,
Thank you in advance,

Date: 06/19/23 18:25
Re: Uniden BC355N
Author: TCnR

Just the basic info:


Note they use the phrase 'low-cost' more than once. Also the notice about not being digital mmodulation compatible and not trunking either, both are for specfic uses, but neither used in most RR uses at the present time.

A useful spec would be sensitivity, it's not listed here though.

There's a desk model out there somewhere that has a featire to replay the last so many seconds of transmission, that seems like a useful idea.

Date: 06/19/23 19:23
Re: Uniden BC355N
Author: TCnR

Found it: 

Frequency Band
Sensitivity (Nominal) 12 dB SINAD
25.000 - 27.995       0.4 μV
28.000 - 54.000       0.3 μV
137.000 - 174.000    0.2 μV
406.000 - 512.000    0.3 μV
108.000 - 136.9916  0.4 μV
806.000 - 956.000    0.4 μV

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/23 19:25 by TCnR.

Date: 06/20/23 04:20
Re: Uniden BC355N
Author: Englewood

Thank you.
Perhaps I should have been more precise in my question.
Has anyone on TO had any experience using one?
Likes / Dislikes ?

Date: 06/20/23 07:55
Re: Uniden BC355N
Author: WW

The 355N is a low end scanner that has not gotten great reviews.  My overall experience with mobile/desktop Uniden scanners has been universally poor over the years.  

Date: 06/21/23 12:19
Re: Uniden BC355N
Author: Rick2582

A friend in San Luis O bought this 355N scanner and has had surprisingly good results.
Says the modulation comes thru quite clear and he is a long time RR scanner user.
Sensitivity seems up to snuff also as TCnR notes the figures.
Not too bad for the price, but maybe not as good as the BC125, haven't tried that one yet.

Date: 06/22/23 13:54
Re: Uniden BC355N
Author: csx950

Got a BC355N several months ago from Amazon. Use it in my upstairs bedroom hooked-up to a Diamond RH77CA antenna taped to a window.
I get decent train reception
with it, about 5-6 miles on
either side of me. Sometimes
a little more,or less. I know its a low end scanner,
but thought I would try one for the price. Going to try some other antennas with it.
I still have my handheld radios also.

Posted from Android

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