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Railfan Technology > RailHam Net!

Date: 08/15/23 10:59
RailHam Net!
Author: kg6nlw

QST QST QST! A Railroad Ham Radio net will commence every Thursday at 0130Z (1830PT, 1930MT, 2030CT, 2130ET) ON 14310USB, then on 7240LSB +/-5 on each accounting for QRM. A 2m net with EchoLink will be on after that once I have a few things worked out. All Nets will also use NetLogger for check-ins. We may have a digital net as well but is TBD.

Listen for the Net Control call K7SPR from California!


-Frank C.

Frank Christ
Cloverdale, CA
FranksRails Photography, LLC.

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