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Railfan Technology > Nikon Z 6ii

Date: 08/19/23 18:45
Nikon Z 6ii
Author: M-636

Just curious if anyone here is shooting with the Nikon Z 6ii?

I am interested in what AF settings people are using, with both F and Z glass.

I am also curious if anyone is using the Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 lens?

Date: 08/20/23 12:33
Re: Nikon Z 6ii
Author: NormSchultze

Go to the Nikon forum on www.dpreview.com.  You'll find more info there and a place to ask other Nikonians questions.

Date: 08/24/23 17:26
Re: Nikon Z 6ii
Author: skyview

So I did shoot the Z6ii

I used Continuous Auto Focus WITH back button focus, which pretty much gives the benefits of both continuous AF-C (if holding button in) or single AF-S (release button.

Then I would use wide area af S for the focus area, moving as needed if the train was moving.  wide area auto focus large also ok.

Hope this helps

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