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Railfan Technology > What the heck did I touch?

Date: 09/28/23 16:43
What the heck did I touch?
Author: srman

I hope someone out there can help this non computer savvy old man. I have Adobe Photoshop 2021 and up until the last week I've gotten the Image 2 screen when making adjustments on my images before posting. Obviously I accidently pressed something to get Image 1. I get what you see, letters and other icons but no options to what I want. Could someone be so kind to tell me how I can get back to what I want on Image 2? Thank you in advance.  

Date: 09/28/23 16:49
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: trainjunkie

Looks like you have the raw import window open. Hit the CANCEL button on the bottom of that window.

Date: 09/28/23 19:05
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: srman

Thank you however what is obvious to you is not to me. I shoot in raw however I'm still perplexed as to what to do. Sorry as I said before my computer skills are limited. 

Date: 09/29/23 08:30
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: trainjunkie

I'm not a Windows user so this all looks a bit different than what I'm accustom to but as I said before, "Hit the CANCEL button on the bottom of that window" (Image 1).

Date: 09/30/23 10:05
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: robj

Number 1 you are in the RAW converter, number 2 you are in PS.   Simple answer would be to hit open and you should go to PS.

#1 is the standard RAW interface which you should get everytime you open a RAW file so should be familiar.?


Date: 09/30/23 18:53
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: srman

Well I was going to try that however now when I click on photo editor it just spins and spins until it quits. I try again and same thing. Beginning to think maybe I should give up and try a new hobby. I always liked fishing.  

Date: 09/30/23 19:40
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: refarkas

Sometimes when I have trouble, I restsrt my computer. Perhaps that will help by giving everything a fresh chance.

Date: 10/01/23 20:33
Re: What the heck did I touch?
Author: mojaveflyer

I've used Photoshop Elements since 2005. I'm using PSE 2022 currently. Hit 'Cancel", then close everything down and try reopening again. Every now and then it goes out of control.... If all else fails, clear what you down loaded, then reopen it and try down loading agian. I shoot RAW as well and also edit it to reduce the photo down to a manageable size for editing. PM me if I can help.... Don't get discouraged!

James Nelson
Thornton, CO

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