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Railfan Technology > Film Camera fanatics!!!

Date: 11/16/23 08:35
Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: dan

Date: 11/16/23 09:31
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: trainjunkie

Maybe it'll make my old film bodies worth something again.

Date: 11/16/23 17:27
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: radar

Between the crop factor and the lack of LCD screen to see results, it's not a very good product.  It's more of a novelty than a serious tool.

Date: 11/17/23 15:47
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: clem

Datamation's definition of "kludge": An ill-assorted collection of poorly-matching parts, forming a distressing whole. Love the wire on the back for ... setting the ISO? transferring images to the baseplate atttachment?

Date: 11/19/23 18:47
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: WM_1109

After years of painstaking product development...
They forgot one thing...WHERE'S THE MARKET?

Date: 11/21/23 05:10
Film Cameras - NOT happening
Author: cozephyr

Good luck with those film cameras.  Everyone else just pulled out their wallets for a cellphone with great camera optics...NO Waiting to see photo results and SHARE with others.

dan Wrote:
> were back
> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samellos/im-b

Mom had a cellphone and no film camera in sight.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/23 11:56 by cozephyr.

Date: 11/22/23 21:27
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: grahamline

Nikon, Canon, Leica, and some Pentax seem to be regaining some value.  Everything else in 35mm not so much.  Even film is climbing down a bit from peak prices.

Date: 11/23/23 12:56
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: engineerinvirginia

I've got several dozen film cameras....this is a decent idea if a bit frivolous...but even the discounted kickstarter price is too too much for me. 

Date: 01/25/24 09:24
Re: Film Camera fanatics!!!
Author: sp219

You're back, some of us never truly left.  I'm sending a batch of film out tomorrow.

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