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Railfan Technology > Canon Zoom Browser

Date: 01/04/24 10:22
Canon Zoom Browser
Author: FiveChime

For years I had used Canon Zoom Browser to transfer photos from scan disk to computer for editing then forwarding. 
I know Canon stopped supporting this program sometime ago but now it no longer works.
Any recommendations on what to use for this purpose and how to access it?
Thanks, Jim Evans

Date: 01/04/24 16:34
Re: Canon Zoom Browser
Author: JayK

Connect your SD card to your computer.
Highlight the files on the SD card you wish to transfer. Copy those files
Go to the appropriate folder on you computer and Paste

Jim Kleeman

Date: 01/07/24 03:11
Re: Canon Zoom Browser
Author: robj

JayK Wrote:
> Connect your SD card to your computer.
> Highlight the files on the SD card you wish to
> transfer. Copy those files
> Go to the appropriate folder on you computer and
> Paste
> Jim Kleeman

Yes, just mention wtih card reader.   with Nikon (I'd guess Canon also) you can also just connect your camera to computer with a USB cable with camera end and open camera as any file and transfer as you mention.


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