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Railfan Technology > Looking for 8mm video tapes viewer

Date: 02/15/24 08:48
Looking for 8mm video tapes viewer
Author: RDG630

Any recommendations?

Date: 02/17/24 17:25
Re: Looking for 8mm video tapes viewer
Author: refarkas

Perhaps you can find an old Video 8/High 8/Digital 8 camcorder that might play them back.

Date: 02/20/24 18:35
Re: Looking for 8mm video tapes viewer
Author: DTrainshooter

A pawn shop should have a 8MM camcorder which will play them I'd think.

Date: 02/20/24 18:42
Re: Looking for 8mm video tapes viewer
Author: dan

all over ebay, viewers only too sometimes

Date: 03/06/24 11:04
Re: Looking for 8mm video tapes viewer
Author: Gothic__Albany

If you get a Digital8 (D8) camcorder, it can play 8mm and Hi8 video tapes and output via firewire/IEEE1394 to capture with a computer. It will convert to the DV standard which is 4:1:1 colorspace so you will lose a little color, but the digitizing is done in camera and will result in more saved resolution versus going analog s-video or worse composit video plugs with an analog player. I digitized all my Hi8 tapes this way. While Digital8 Camcorders have not been made in two decades, you might still find some on ebay. 

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