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Railfan Technology > Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming

Date: 02/15/24 15:17
Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: JUTower

Hi all,
Interested to know if anyone has experience with outdoor webcams that are able to natively stream to YouTube.  Current setup requires a PC and a lot of 3rd-party stuff.

Date: 02/15/24 16:39
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: TCnR

There had been tutorial style Videos on YouTube showing on how to use ' OBS ', Open Broadcast Software, to stream to YT. Some of the info becomes out of date very quickly and some of the info is a bit hokey, but the idea gets across well. There are other 'encoder' programs and hardware but this is one way to go.

In general, what ever is being used right now to get a Video signal into the Desktop would be used along with OBS, then straight to YouTube using typical DSL. Any hardware or magic boxes are related to the specific camera or specific computer. The magic software would be replaced by OBS, which is free and widely used by hobbyists.

Suggest searching on YT for ' how to Live Stream to YouTube with OBS ', Evetually the dedicated desktop has to have OBS loaded on it and make selections on the menu based on the YT examples. All free since that's what YT does, they get their slice of the pie in other ways. The set up takes some level of understanding but there's lots of coaching in the YT videos.

OBS:  https://obsproject.com/

Some examples, some of them are kinda goofy, some are dated but they convey the idea:




Date: 02/18/24 19:34
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: TCnR

Specifically on cameras, I purchased a number of cameras that should have worked bit don't, there's something about the software that throws red flags all over the place. It appears to be the Country of Origin conflicting with the Security Software. I don't know how the newer railcams get around this, or if they purchase European cameras, or have that famous magic software that gets around all sorts of problems.

The approach I'm using is with an older camera that runs over the USB, perhaps this gets around the issue or perhaps predates the conflict.

Date: 02/18/24 23:42
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: dan

will an i phone do it?

Date: 02/19/24 11:30
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: TCnR

No idea.

Date: 02/20/24 12:32
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: JUTower

Thanks all.  iPhone can do it on a short-term basis. But I'm looking for a setup that doesn't require a constant-on PC and would be permanently mounted & running outdoors.


Date: 02/20/24 13:24
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: dan

solar power feed, or a trail camera?

Date: 02/20/24 15:59
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: TCnR

YouTube is looking for the OBS encoder output, which would usually be something about a timing sync, the order of data and some other data stream parameters, probably the account code and similar info.

A TrailCam is a nice idea except the output needs to be in the format for YouTube requires, not a WiFi format but the format YouTube is expecting. So a closed circuit Video monitor doesn't need an encoder, just similar systems / protocols at each end.

If that's what YouTube requires, dont know how to get around that.

Date: 02/20/24 18:43
Re: Outdoor camera for Youtube Streaming
Author: dan

figured some guys in hunting had youtube live feeds , but they may all be near power

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