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Railfan Technology > Virtual Railfan Outage

Date: 05/26/24 06:47
Virtual Railfan Outage
Author: bruce_e

This morning, the Virtual Railfan status map (https://virtualrailfan.com/status/) is showing that every camera ... west of Atlanta, as far as I can tell ... is offline.

I realize there were storms last night - we had one here. But does anyone know any more information about the outage?

I'm curious why such a large swath of the country would be out - and I also hope that everyone is okay.


Date: 05/26/24 08:25
Re: Virtual Railfan Outage
Author: TCnR

Checking VR on YT from the West Coast, the chat says VR had a big outage and is busy recovering.

Checking Downdetector there's nothing unusual, but they report from users, if you don't have Internet you can't report an outage. They have a box for AT&T and YT but it looks like normal traffic.

Pingdom and Thousandeyes show lots of activity on the East side of the Mississippi and in Europe. Outages maps are usually clickbait so it's not obvious.

My modem acted up this morning but a simple reboot put it back to work, the west coast stuff is acting normal.

+ Cloudflare has an interesting summary but it says situation normal...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/24 08:51 by TCnR.

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