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Railfan Technology > Go-Pro Hero13 Question

Date: 10/24/24 15:39
Go-Pro Hero13 Question
Author: callum_out

Do any of you use the Hero13 and if you do what kind of comments might you make? Seems light and rugged and
still capable of decent stills. I was considering a Nikon Z7 mirror less but not sure I need all that for railfan shots, I'm
currently using a D600 full frame and it's a good camera but heavy for long hikes up nasty hills.


Date: 10/27/24 16:06
Re: Go-Pro Hero13 Question
Author: radar

I think you are comparing apples and oranges. A GoPro is good at a lot of things, but not train photography. It is mainly for strapping on your chest or your handlebars and taking video with a wide angle lens. A real camera has a zoom lens or interchangable lenses, and is designed for holding while framing the photo, and generally has a viewfinder in addition to a rear screen.

Date: 10/28/24 10:56
Re: Go-Pro Hero13 Question
Author: M-636

Instead of the Z7, why not go with the Z30 and a FTZ adapter since you already have nikon lenses? The Z30 won't break the bank and is far superior to a GoPro any day.

Maybe rent a Z30 and the FTZ for a weekend, and take it out and see how you like it.

Date: 10/28/24 11:07
Re: Go-Pro Hero13 Question
Author: TCnR

Interesting, didn't know about this, thanks.
Lots of choices, to the point of confusion. Also lots of prices so check around.


+ compatibility and critical review:


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/24 12:41 by TCnR.

Date: 11/03/24 19:29
Re: Go-Pro Hero13 Question
Author: callum_out

I want to thank everyone for the good advice. Was really interested in shooting a few movies and not so much stills but the Z50
looks like it'd be a better overall choice. Looks to be great for weight and feel, again thanks.


Date: 12/02/24 22:41
Re: Go-Pro Hero13 Question
Author: okcrr

As mentioned, it's a first person point of view camera and that's about where it's splendor ends.

I wouldn't use it for any photography or video. I have one (well, similar - DJI's version) and barely use it except for motorcycle rides or hiking something where I want a first person point of view.


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