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Railfan Technology > I Phone 15 photos on TO

Date: 12/13/24 13:24
I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: Auburnrail

I am trying to upload photos from my IPhone 15
to TO. I get an error message that TO cannot 
upload. Previously I used an IPhone 7 and it 
worked fine. Also, this is  the  current IOS 16 operating system.

Can  anyone help?
George Andrassy 

Date: 12/13/24 15:41
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: SantaFeCF7

Auburnrail Wrote:
> I am trying to upload photos from my IPhone 15
> to TO. I get an error message that TO cannot 
> upload. Previously I used an IPhone 7 and it 
> worked fine. Also, this is  the  current IOS 16
> operating system.
> Can  anyone help?
> George Andrassy 

I have never been able to use my iPhone or iPad to directly upload images to TO. I have to move them to my laptop and then post. The newer iPhones also use a different file type .HEIC which cannot be uploaded without switching the file format to .JPEG/.JPG. It's super easy to do just edit the photo in any way on your iPhone and it then saves as JPEG/JPG. Then you transfer it to your computer and post! 

Date: 12/13/24 16:15
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: Auburnrail

Thank you!
Seems to have worked.
George Andrassy 

Date: 12/13/24 16:26
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: SantaFeCF7

Auburnrail Wrote:
> Thank you!
> Seems to have worked.
> George Andrassy 

You are welcome! 

Date: 12/13/24 16:30
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: Auburnrail

Well it worked once. Saved as new picture after editing.
Must be more to this.  Have tried contacting TO technical guy twice,
but Crickets so far.
George Andrassy

Date: 12/14/24 09:11
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: SantaFeCF7

Auburnrail Wrote:
> Well it worked once. Saved as new picture after
> editing.
> Must be more to this.  Have tried contacting TO
> technical guy twice,
> but Crickets so far.
> George Andrassy

I just tried to edit a couple of photos randomly and now it is saving some as .PNG and .HEIF. I'll do some research and see what I can find out! 

Date: 12/14/24 09:13
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: SantaFeCF7

Date: 12/26/24 14:05
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: DocJohn

George, here is what I do.  I have iPhone 15 max pro email the images to one of the email accounts on my PC's.  I then use software on PC to adjust the image.  I then upload to TO as shown in the attached file.


Date: 12/30/24 05:28
Re: I Phone 15 photos on TO
Author: DavidP

I generally upload from my iPad, currently running 18.1.1, without a problem.  Just uploaded this from my iPhone 15 directly.  I'm not sure why you're having the problem, but it does seem to be possible to do.  Sorry that's not more help.


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