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Railfan Technology > Cigarette lighter power chord for Uniden BC142XL

Date: 12/30/24 17:47
Cigarette lighter power chord for Uniden BC142XL
Author: twropr

To my amazement I couod not find one in Walmart's electronics section.  The clerk had no idea what I was talking about when I described the female connection
that would fit over the pin.  Are there chain stores that have this or do I need to order on line?  Ifthe later, what do I ask for?

Date: 12/30/24 21:45
Re: Cigarette lighter power chord for Uniden BC142XL
Author: TCnR

Tried to Google around for some info but only found a photo of it on EBAY. It shows a wall plug-in transformer with a plug of some sort. The transformer should have some sort of info about the output voltage, it needs to say around 12 to 14 volts, otherwise the radio would be damaged if it requires 3 volts or 6 volts for example. If there is a better description for a power source or adapter it would be the way to go, perhaps a manual or better sales description.


One approach would be to find a similar plug as is on the transformer. There are some multi-use adapters on Amazon, basically adapters on adapters on plugs. Usually some sort of car / radio power adapter word jumble would find it. There are also 12v to 9 / 6 / 3 volts adapters if that's needed, don't know how well those work though.

Another source of adapters is a well stocked Truck Stop or Auto parts store. At one time there were Electronics stores that had such things but not so much anymore.

Hope that helps.

Date: 12/31/24 13:50
Re: Cigarette lighter power chord for Uniden BC142XL
Author: sf1010

Maybe Best Buy.

Date: 12/31/24 14:41
Re: Cigarette lighter power chord for Uniden BC142XL
Author: radar

Here's a link for one....

BC series car adapter

Date: 12/31/24 14:45
Re: Cigarette lighter power chord for Uniden BC142XL
Author: TCnR

that looks like the way to go.
Odd connector on it.

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