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First publish date: 2004-04-27

KCS Reports Flawless Continuation of MCS Implementation on Tex-Mex

In the third week since the Management Control System (MCS) implementation on Tex-Mex, progress reports indicate that there are still no major train delays attributable to MCS and that some of the benefits of MCS are already being realized.

The true strength of the NAFTA Railway is the ability to seamlessly run trains between the U.S. and Mexico, and MCS is making it easier than ever before.

With better information available in MCS, KCSR/Tex-Mex can tell TFM how northbound trains should be blocked to minimize the complexity of the operation and prevent Tex-Mex from having to switch traffic enroute from TFM to KCSR. For example, grain empties are now blocked and returned on a solid train, reducing the length of the MXJA train and increasing velocity. More importantly, because empty equipment is returned faster, the customer is able to use the leased equipment more than once, improving fleet utilization and making the NAFTA Railway a more competitive transportation option.

On the human front, Chet Heuszel, KCSR director of systems implementation said that Mexican Customs is pleased with the quality of data available in MCS. The successful implementation of MCS on Tex-Mex is due in large part to the cooperation of Mexico and U.S. Customs. "Considering the scope of this implementation and the complexity of traffic crossing the International Bridge, the cut-over was very smooth," said Heuszel.

The ease of the implementation is also attributed to Tex-Mex's leadership. "Tex-Mex employees have great attitudes and are adapting quickly to using work orders and the car scheduling process," said Tex-Mex general superintendent, Alfredo Perez. "A recent spike in business combined with the holiday put the team and MCS to the test, and together we performed well."

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