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First publish date: 2006-03-22

DM&E Route through Rochester, MN Appealed

The Rochester, Minnesota City Council authorized an appeal of a federal decision to permit the expansion of the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern's railroad through town.

"We want to send a message to DM&E, as a last resort we will appeal," Council member Pat Carr said after Monday's City Council meeting.

The council had just voted 6-0 to appeal the decision of the Surface Transportation Board, although City Attorney Terry Adkins said negotiations were preferable.

He said the council instructed him to wait "as long as logistically possible" before going to court. The delay would provide more time for talks with the railroad.

The city has until April 14 to file its appeal.

The railroad wants to upgrade its lines from Wyoming through Minnesota in order to connect the coal fields of the Powder River Basin to consumers in the Midwest and East.

The Mayo Clinic has strenuously objected to the expansion because it would bring up to 34 additional trains through the city, which it claims could the disturb the clinic's operations.

"We will continue to do whatever we can, including mediation, to see that the needs of patients and the community are met long term," said clinic spokesman Chris Gade. "We will also continue to explore legal options, as warranted."

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