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First publish date: 2006-08-15

Virgil and Lavada Staff Motion Picture Film Collection Online

Since 1996 Trainorders.com has been archiving the 16mm motion picture film collection of Virgil and Lavada Staff. We are pleased to announce that this extensive collection is now available for web download in the Trainorders.com AVShare library.

The complete collection consists of over 400 16mm silent motion picture film clips photographed between 1967 and 1983. The majority of the collection consists of trains photographed around the San Francisco Bay area, but the collection also includes a substantial inventory of scenes around the Southwestern United States. Most major western railroads were captured including Santa Fe, Western Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Union Pacific.

Trainorders.com has spent almost 10 years digitally converting, cataloging, and compressing the collection for internet distribution. Members of Trainorders.com receive full access to the library as a benefit of being a premium member. Annual memberships to Trainorders.com are $29, with Railfan and Railroad subscribers receiving a $5 discount. Non members can view sample videos from our collection by visiting our sample video page.

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