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First publish date: 2004-03-14

VIA Rail Asks Employees to be Vigilant for Terrorism

VIA Rail has asked its employees to be more vigilant in light of Thursday's bomb attacks on Spain's rail system.

VIA spokesman Malcolm Andrews said all employees who work aboard trains and in stations have been reminded to pay special attention to any unusual activity or suspicious individuals.

While baggage isn't screened, the measure could be considered if authorities determine there's a specific threat against Canadian interests or the railway itself, he said.
"There are certainly measures in place and those measures have been enhanced somewhat over the last couple of years and may again be depending on the level of threat that's perceived."

The death toll reached 199 after bombs on four trains exploded in Madrid on Thursday. The blast killed, maimed and sparked fresh fears about Europe's vulnerability to attack.
Conducting airport-level scrutiny of baggage isn't something that passenger railways around the world have ever adopted.

"Obviously, everyone, particularly in Europe right now but around the world, will be evaluating everything," said Andrews.

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