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User Profile: Fiftyfooter

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Name: Fifty Footer
Web Site: www.cspmovies.com
Interests: Rolling stock, HO modeling, Railroad History, I like to model the 1970's per diem box car era and the 1950's a little! 1st and second generation power, and to know the back story on what I am looking at! All my original family worked for the Santa Fe and Pullman in Chicago back in the day! My mom is from Grand Island, NY and my Grandfather worked for DOW Chemical in Buffalo. My son and I like the variety of older railroad rolling stock! I grew up in Goleta, CA on the Coastline and got to see the 80's and 90's during the SP and wood sided sugar beet era. I lived in Sacramento for 12 years(1993-2005), and railfanned all over Northern CA, Oregon, WA, CO, WY and the midwest! Always enjoyed the variety on trips to IL, WI and NY! But Tehachapi, Cajon, Beaumont and Northern CA were the best! Not to mention Roseville and West Colton! You can see some of my video work at the website: www.trainmovies.com
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