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User Profile: fredkharrison

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Name: Fred K Harrison
Web Site: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/CORPpower/
Interests: Railroads: Central Oregon & Pacific, Lake Railway, Yreka Western, other Southern Oregon/Northern California regionals/short lines --- Fallen Flags: NCO, SP, WP, Modoc Northern --- Railroad Interests: Locomotive spotting, railroad photography, MOW equipment, tunnel motors, locomotive/railroad historical investigation --- Other Yahoo Group Sites: 1. Jefferson State Shortlines http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/JSS Covers shortline operations in southwest Oregon and the Yreka Western in Northern California. 2. Eastern Oregon Shortlines http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/EORS Covers shortline operations in Oregon east of the Cascades, as well as former NCO and Modoc Line territories in NE California and NW Nevada.
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