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Western Railroad Discussion > UP special

Date: 10/22/05 12:23
UP special
Author: dan

UP 5146

power car 208
business upp 106 shoshone
sleeper upp 201 wyoming
sleeper upp 1602 green river
dome/lounge upp 9005 walter dean
dinner/lounge upp 302 overland
observation upp 420 fox river

Symbol: scbla-23
dennis duffy toyota customer entertainment train
sd council bluffs 0800-23 ct
sa rawlins 2135-23

sa green river 0050-24
sa las vegas 1655-24 ptime
sd las vegas 1700-24 ptime(that's optimistic!!!)
sa yermo 2000-24
sd yermo 2005-24(uh huh, sure)
sa LAUPT 2305-24( now that I HAVE to see. Yermo to LA in 3
hrs?) anyway, it is scheduled to be parked in trk # 13
passseners aboard for dinner & overnite on the train.

train symbol: slasl-26
sd los angeles 0700-26
pass: moorpark 0800-26
pass: santa barbara
sa san luis obispo
1145-26 passengers off

train symbol: sslpc-26
sd san luis obispo
1215-26 (more details on enroute times between slo
& rsv? contact me)
sa roseville 2130-26 (overnite)

sd roseville 0600-27
sa portola(!!!) 1100-27
sd portola 1105-27
pass winnemucca 1615-27
sa elko 1925-27 (overnite)

sd elko 0630-28 (ptime)
sa slc 1130-28 (duffy leaves)

more if necessary

here is my modern day city

Date: 10/22/05 16:01
Re: UP special
Author: GNR1938

Wow! That shot takes me back many years and I am only 39. If not for the UPeeinyellow and the head end power, it could easily piece for an era shot.

Date: 10/22/05 18:16
Re: UP special
Author: brianbergtold

This isn't a beat up Amtrak train swaying over a bumpy loop, so it has no place on TO! ;-)

Date: 10/22/05 22:35
Re: UP special
Author: UPNW2-1083

sa LAUPT 2305-24( now that I HAVE to see. Yermo to LA in 3
It can be done, I had a Dick Davidson special back in 1999 from LAUPT to Yermo, 3 hour 5 minutes from our departure at LAUPT to the fuel rack in Yermo. We went along the L.A. river on Metro to the L.A. sub, crossed over to the Alhambra sub. at Pomona, up the Mojave sub. to Silverwood and then the Santa Fe to Daggett and around the corner to Yermo. Of course, I'll probably never have another trip that fast!-BMT

Date: 10/22/05 22:43
Re: UP special
Author: gyralite

Well BMT, we'll see if MBM can stay on the "advertised" !

Date: 10/23/05 00:03
Re: UP special
Author: SSW41

Now you're putting on the pressure. That's ok, We can handle it.

Date: 10/23/05 02:47
Re: UP special
Author: dan

I try and mimic shots from the sixties or pre amtrak sometimes.

Date: 10/23/05 06:40
Re: UP special
Author: 4-12-2

Hey! WAIT a minute......"we can handle it"

Now THAT'S kinda catchy, ain't it?! WOW, wonder if that could work as some sort of slogan, or song title????

Naaaaaaaaah, it'd never go. :)

Date: 10/23/05 06:47
Re: UP special
Author: 4-12-2

Back to seriousness for just a second: What are those "off-color" cars in that consist??

By the way, for any who haven't had the chance to spend some time in UP's Council Bluffs business car facility, it's an amazing place and displays positively incredible financial commitment. Union Pacific's passenger fleet absolutely has to be THE classiest railroad-owned passenger fleet in the nation, hands down.

Wanna check it out? Come to the UP Historical Society's convention in Omaha next July, because we're gonna get the COOK'S tour!!


Date: 10/23/05 14:01
Re: UP special
Author: vegasrails

well if you keep track of this move I like to know especially if it's heading my way.

Date: 10/24/05 05:46
Re: UP special- current status?
Author: westernrails

Does anyone have a current status on this move? i.e- location,is it
on-time,etc. -- Thanks.

Date: 10/25/05 01:08
Re: UP special
Author: drgw

dan Wrote:
> Last week we had a boulder placed on the
> tracks for empire builder,

Where did you hear the boulder was "placed"? I searched for a thread to corroborate this, but didn't find one...

Date: 10/25/05 03:07
Re: UP special
Author: dan

is this post too sensitive? think if osma wanted to hit the RR's he would as they are sitting ducks, like the rest of America, don't know if this homeland security is waste, but it seems like. Natural events such as hurricanes and the bird flu seem to be bigger problems anyway. I wish I would have chased the train, but I have chased too much lately, instead I watched the detour cam and the broncos loose. I was hoping to give others the opportunity, should I not post this stuff anymore? Last week we had a boulder placed on the tracks in front of the empire builder, I think more people track side the more eyes would be beneficial. Then we have guys, veterans saying loose lips sink ships. I guess I am at peace is that a problem? The CIA director that UP has hired should do something more constructive with her time, like solving who derailed the Sunset. I as a rail fan have extinguished fires with my foam that her railroad has set, warned drunks away from the tracks, stopped trains that still had the handbrakes cranked down, assisted in air hose separations, given railroad crews rides, helped out in grade crossing accidents, and removed stuff from the tracks that was deliberately placed to harm trains. Most of the front line employees know this, some are anti foam. Is this UP's proactive behavior! oh well,ranting on, what matters to me, family and community, I think I put neither at risk, if a 7 car train with 38 people on board had a problem because of my posts instead of stadium...school...shopping mall. Looking at hierarchy of targets in America, UP security head is more worried about the corporate big wigs than their communities it appears, don't flatter yourselves, Get your freight trains un parked in the middle of nowhere, keep them moving and try and regain some semblance of the fine UP that used to exist, a corporation that was deep in integrity and had high degree of employee loyalty. Calling Omaha to report a camera or a person walking their dog, isn't my ideal answer. Get the mopac managers to reconnect the lines they have erased while speeding towards their golden parachutes and bonuses, and concentrate on running a fluid railroad.

UP Issues Warning To Employees Divulging Info
Policy Prohibits Divulging Non-Public Information

Is Providing Details on Railroad Activities Really Harmless?

The need for confidentiality of company information has increased due to recent changes in the law, as well as heightened security precautions following 9-11.

Providing information about the location of a Union Pacific train in response to a query on a rail fan Internet site may seem innocent enough. In today’s world, though, that inquiry may be from a local rail fan – or perhaps it’s from a terrorist thousands of miles away.

It's important that employees understand the importance of not divulging non-public railroad information to outsiders, no matter how harmless it might seem. This includes information about business or transportation plans, as well as strategies, measures, legal proceedings and financial information.

In one instance, a rail fan Web site obtained and posted the schedule for a special train – information that is not made public for security reasons.

"Employees have a responsibility to understand what is confidential information and should not be shared with others," said Butch Ethington, ombudsman and director of ethics. "Supervisors also have a responsibility to help their employees understand the risk of sharing information outside the company.

"In today's environment, it's hard to know what is harmless and what is critical information. You might think a train list or information about a facility is pretty harmless, but sharing that information could pose a security risk." Pieces of information provided by several persons could be combined to provide enough knowledge to compromise the safety of, for instance, a train and its crew.

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