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Western Railroad Discussion > David Myrick passed??

Date: 09/29/11 14:07
David Myrick passed??
Author: cct24

Post on Calrailfans cited a post on the espee list that Noted RR Author David Myrick Passed away, anyone have a confirmation on that?



Date: 09/29/11 14:10
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: WAF

Yes he did, over the weekend

Date: 09/29/11 14:13
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: jmw

That's terrible.

I've enjoyed his Arizona rail history books for years and always looked forward to a new volume being released.



Date: 09/29/11 14:25
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: cct24

WAF Wrote:
> Yes he did, over the weekend

Thank you, sorry to hear.

Date: 09/29/11 14:43
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: rattenne

Another of landmark rail historian has left our midst

Date: 09/29/11 15:26
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: Josiah

The Santa Barbara News Press had an obituary printed from the family Wednesday September 28th. He lived in Santa Barbara and I was lucky enough to hear several of his talks.


Date: 09/29/11 15:44
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: spnudge

Met him in Santa Barb at a cocktail party at my aunts house in 70-71. Nice guy. I talked to him a few times over the years. Too bad.



Date: 09/29/11 16:23
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: ATSF100WEST

A tremendous loss. No one knew Western Railroad History better. He was very generous - in allowing me to "paraphrase" from his "Railroads of New Mexico" book, for my PRN article back in the early 90's.

He will be missed. My prayers go out to his family and friends.

R.I.P., Mr. Myrick......



Date: 09/29/11 17:06
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: Copy19

His Railroads of Nevada, Vols. I & 2 are among my favorite books. He asked me to help him update a couple of his books. Certainly my honor. JEB

Date: 09/29/11 17:57
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: BobP

I have all his Nevada and Eastern California RR books.
A valuable encyclopedia of railroad knowledge that will live on in his name.

Date: 09/29/11 19:13
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: billmeeker

His monumental works on Western Railroads should be in everyone's library. A tremendous loss. RIP Mr. Myrick.

Date: 09/29/11 19:22
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: elueck

A wonderful man. No matter how trivial my questions, he always took time to write me a response. We will all miss him.

Date: 09/29/11 21:14
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: Cjcheely

A great loss to the railroad world


Date: 09/30/11 00:19
Re: David Myrick passed??
Author: webmaster

I sent him a letter in 1995 when I was working on a college project on the Carson and Colorado Railroad. He replied with a multipage manual type written letter addressing each question I had. he also fact checked my findings. An amazing man that I wish I had the opportunity to meet.

Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

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