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Western Railroad Discussion > BNSF Third Quarter Operating Results

Date: 11/11/16 18:30
BNSF Third Quarter Operating Results
Author: mearsksealand

Revenue    $5.17 Billion down 7.7 percent for same period 2015

Net Income    $1.02 Billion down 11.8 percent

Total Volume of business down 5 percent

Coal volumes down 13 percent

Industrial Products down 8 percent

Consumer Products  down 4 percent---intermodal is in this group

Agriculture Products increased 13 percent

Cap Ex for 2016 $4.05 Billion  $2.7 Billion invest in maintenance of existing network assets and infrastucture including rail,ties and ballast.  $200 million on positive train control  $600 million aquiring locomotives and new freight cars and $500 million on capacity expansion

Info from American Shipper Nov 11 2015

Dale Smith


Date: 11/11/16 18:46
Re: BNSF Third Quarter Operating Results
Author: Pacific5th

At least in the NW and Montana Divisions crew cost have to be through the roof. BNSF has changed or canceled numerous agreements over the past few years and the results have not been good for anyone. Maybe BNSF will finally see what they have done, probably not. It's a joke out here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/16 20:07 by Pacific5th.

Date: 11/11/16 19:44
Re: BNSF Third Quarter Operating Results
Author: mearsksealand

I am always interested on hearing what the folks on the ground have to say about the operation of BNSF but will you be a little more specific in your points--sometimes operational changes are painful for the employees effected but if the company makes changes according to labor agreements and the results show a positive result for the companies financials the officers keep their job if not officers are brought in to make it profitable and the BNSF had operated profitably for quite a while now

Dale Smith

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/12/16 12:52
Re: BNSF Third Quarter Operating Results
Author: StStephen

Any updates on the expansion projects for the year (status) and projected expansion capex for 2017?


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