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Western Railroad Discussion > Wooden water tower survivor at Roy, WA

Date: 11/22/22 12:39
Wooden water tower survivor at Roy, WA
Author: BrianA

I have written a new NP Perspectives Blog update on Roy, WA featuring the wooden NP water tower still next to what remains of the NP Prairie Line. Some good info on the town as well such as how Roy got its name.  Roy is about 19 miles southeast of Tacoma, WA.
 My understanding is this is just one of two remaining wooden water towers left standing on the NP.It was a very enjoyable visit.
Update can be found here:


Thanks for checking it out!

Brian Ambrose
Renton, WA 

Date: 11/22/22 13:11
Re: Wooden water tower survivor at Roy, WA
Author: viewrail

Thanks Brian for the history of the city. Attached is a shot of the BN local arriving (with caboose) almost 29 years ago.  

Scott Anderson
Lake Oswego, OR 


Date: 11/22/22 13:42
Re: Wooden water tower survivor at Roy, WA
Author: BrianA

What a great photo!  This is the first that I have seen of a train at Roy.  Thanks for sharing it.

viewrail Wrote:
> Thanks Brian for the history of the city. Attached
> is a shot of the BN local arriving (with caboose)
> almost 29 years ago.  
> Scott Anderson
> Lake Oswego, OR 

Date: 11/22/22 15:41
Re: Wooden water tower survivor at Roy, WA
Author: callum_out

Isn't there like one shipper left on the end of the line?


Date: 11/23/22 16:16
Re: Wooden water tower survivor at Roy, WA
Author: jmbreitigan

Thanks for sharing the link, it was a good read.

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