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Western Railroad Discussion > Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range sub?

Date: 11/22/22 16:32
Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range sub?
Author: FrontRanger

A few years ago I had grandchildren out trainspotting BNSF around MP67.8 on the Front Range Sub. A VERY long empty coal train passed us northbound - almost 1000 axles. Two lead engines, 4 mid train, two more on the rear. I took this to be two separate trains joined into a mega train almost 3 miles long heading north to the mines. I later heard that the coal came south on the Angora Sub, and empties came north on the Front Range Sub. 
Now my other grandsons want to see a "Mega Train" but I have not seen one since that one time event for us. 
Can anyone give more info on these trains, and whether they still run trains like that anywhere in Northern Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska?

Date: 11/22/22 19:48
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: wesleygreer

BNSF has been sending pretty much all of the coal empties out of Denver on the Brush Sub-Angora Sub these days. It still runs the monster double empties, they're put together in Texas and run at least up to Alliance, Nebraska. So yes, they still run on the Brush Sub in Northern CO and the Angora Sub in CO-NE.

Date: 11/23/22 13:48
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: Pinlifter

They occasionally run an empty up the Front Range but its because of track windows.  Its not the primary routing as was mentioned.  Fort Collins had a 10mph slow when the mega empties started.  It took 18 min for a mega to pass over it.  The locals weren't happy.  BNSF also shut down Guernsey yard.  More trains are serviced in Alliance or Denver.  Making the FRS even less desirable.  

Date: 11/23/22 13:49
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: goneon66

guernsey yard is closed?  wow.

things have really changed.  

thanks for that info...........


Date: 11/23/22 15:12
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: TCnR

Interesting about Guernsey, the whole south end of the PRB sounds like it's lesser priority.

Northport / Guernsey / Wendover / Bridger Jct is the Valley and Canyon subs. FRS joins at Wendover. Co those three Subs would be bypassed. Lots of Subs out there.

Date: 11/23/22 15:43
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: Pinlifter

It was a knee jerk reaction to the downturn during Covid.  They closed the shop and got rid of the yard jobs.  They might use the yard for storage.  People transfered to Alliance or Denver.  Now Alliance is parking lot trying to get in and out.  Imagine how much real estate a mega occupies trying to split it up.  SMH.  They also got rid of the valley dispatcher and combined it with the Angora desk.  I believe that still holds true.  In Denver, they fuel, service engines, inspect cars on coal trains now.  Picking up some of the Guernsey work.  Since The trains are setup to go East, thats the way they go.  It also helps justify the long sidings they built on the Brush sub.  Thats really why the empties were on the FRS.  To keep em moving during the expansion.  

Date: 11/23/22 16:26
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: goneon66

hey pin,

is keenesburg still a bummer to put coal lds in or did they lengthen it?

just curious..........


Date: 11/23/22 17:44
Re: Does BNSF still run coal train empties north on front range s
Author: Pinlifter


Man that was fun squeezing 128/4 in 10ft of room! Yeah no. Haha.
Most the trains are 124/4. Plenty of room! They don’t make many meets there. The mayor complained about the crossing being blocked. Semi’s couldn’t use that West crossing because of being high centered. So they have to keep that crossing in the middle clear.

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