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Western Railroad Discussion > Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205

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Date: 01/21/23 13:41
Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: stlrailfan

Sharing a photo of Union Pacific SD62 ( upgraded SD60 ) # 2205 in what I would call a heritage paint scheme , but call it what you want. Decorated in Alton & Southern paint where the unit is assigned to transfer jobs working around the St Louis metro area. According to a friend at UP this unit is still blue carded as Union Pacific. Another unit SD40N # 2044 wears this scheme and is normally kept on the jobs at Gateway yard in East St Louis. Photo taken at UP 12th street yard in St Louis, MO January 21st 2023.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mark Mautner

Date: 01/21/23 17:02
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: MrMRL

TPU - Trademark Preservation Unit.


Date: 01/21/23 18:16
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: srman

That's a sweet looking locomotive. Sort of a retro C&NW only with blue.  

Date: 01/22/23 03:45
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: jmbreitigan

Nice catch.

Date: 01/22/23 04:20
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: zr190

srman Wrote:
> That's a sweet looking locomotive. Sort of a retro
> C&NW only with blue.  
The paint combination dates back to when the A&S was jointly owned by CNW and MP.

Date: 01/22/23 10:19
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: inCHI

MrMRL Wrote:
> TPU - Trademark Preservation Unit.
> Mr. MRL

Is this a proven thing? Just wondering because it seems like UP does it, and BNSF has with the heritage covered hoppers, but many other railroads don't do it. Would having equipment that has never been repainted qualify? For example CP doesn't have anything officially painted Milwuakee Road, but still has cars like ballast hoppers with all of the markings intact.

Date: 01/22/23 10:37
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: SCAX3401

Trademark law requires two things basically.  One the tradmark must be used in commerce and and two it must be distinctive.  So assuming a particular trademark meets these two requirements, it doesn't matter if its brand new or not.  However, the devil is in the details.  Does having a name (and possibly) a logo on a ballast car count as "being used in commerce".  That is the fine line there.  One could argue yes and another could say no they abandoned its use just never completely removed it from the use.  BNSF is going thru this with the name (not the logo) for Northern Pacific with a startup airline.

inCHI Wrote:
> Is this a proven thing? Just wondering because it
> seems like UP does it, and BNSF has with the
> heritage covered hoppers, but many other railroads
> don't do it. Would having equipment that has never
> been repainted qualify? For example CP doesn't
> have anything officially painted Milwuakee Road,
> but still has cars like ballast hoppers with all
> of the markings intact.

Date: 01/22/23 10:43
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: kurtarmbruster

Meh! Nice colors, but the CNW look is nothing worth emulating, with its skimpy green and exposed vents. And why does everything now have to have a flag on it?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/23 11:00 by kurtarmbruster.

Date: 01/22/23 11:36
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: zephyrus

Overall, I like this, but....*sigh*...as a professional designer this paint job exhibits a couple pet peeves I have in modern paint schemes and some graphic design in general.

Does no one understand negative space any more?  Please, make the cab numbers about 75% the current size so they do not feel like they are crammed onto that rectangle below the window.  And, please bring the roadname down and move it slightly forward.  It feels very crowded to the blue vent grilles.

Also, I bet the cab numbers in yellow would look a lot better.

But, as stated, I am being nit-picky.  Overall, looks neat!  And nice photo of it.


PS: Okay, figured I would put my money where my mouth was.  Modified Mark's photo (Mark, if you have issue with this, please PM me and I will remove.)  Just got curious as to what folks would think.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/23 12:14 by zephyrus.

Date: 01/22/23 12:56
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: ssloansjca

Awesome photo!

Steve Sloan

Date: 01/22/23 13:01
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: brc600

I like your changes. Either scheme is colorful.

zephyrus Wrote:
> Overall, I like this, but....*sigh*...as a
> professional designer this paint job exhibits a
> couple pet peeves I have in modern paint schemes
> and some graphic design in general.
> Does no one understand negative space any more? 
> Please, make the cab numbers about 75% the current
> size so they do not feel like they are crammed
> onto that rectangle below the window.  And,
> please bring the roadname down and move it
> slightly forward.  It feels very crowded to the
> blue vent grilles.
> Also, I bet the cab numbers in yellow would look a
> lot better.
> But, as stated, I am being nit-picky.  Overall,
> looks neat!  And nice photo of it.
> Z
> PS: Okay, figured I would put my money where my
> mouth was.  Modified Mark's photo (Mark, if you
> have issue with this, please PM me and I will
> remove.)  Just got curious as to what folks would
> think.

Date: 01/22/23 13:49
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: SantaFe9820

I can sympathize with having gripes with minor aspects of paint schemes. The cab number changes are cool but I think I like that lettering position on the long hood as-is. Personally, I'd like to see the red insignia replace the numbers all together below the window and put the number on the long hood, but that'd pretty much make it a CNW knock off

Date: 01/22/23 15:00
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: timz

I vote for zephyrus's changes.

Date: 01/22/23 15:06
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: mapboy

zr190 Wrote:
> The paint combination dates back to when the A&S
> was jointly owned by CNW and MP.
> zr190

Needs an MP buzzsaw logo!


Date: 01/22/23 19:20
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: Charls

Fully agrre to the net-pick comments, would be much better, my added one would be to have the fuel tank and air tank silver, too much break of colors at each details.. woold have the Name in slight Italic versus very vertical as now, to show movement and the numberboard digits should be in the same font as the cab numbers and should be in reversed combination, white numbers on black backdrop, .

Date: 01/22/23 19:29
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: illini73

mapboy Wrote:
> Needs an MP buzzsaw logo!

Actually, the circular part of the C&NW-like logo is the MoPac buzzsaw, if you look closely.

Date: 01/22/23 19:36
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: EricSP

If you are making changes, can you flip the American flag? The blue is supposed to be at the front.

Date: 01/22/23 23:43
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: FiestaFoamer

One weird side-note is that this locomotive was not in tattered or worn UP paint before this latest transformation -- UP 2205 was actually one of the best looking SD60s, and one of the last locos on the system that I would have said needed a paint job. Oh well...

​And Zephyrus's changes make sense. It's interesting that that roadname placement on the long hood that he advocates for would bring the roadname relatively close to where it was when this locomotive was first delivered, as UP 6050 in 1986. The roadname placement has kind of bounced around on UP locos, but on the SD60s, as delivered, it was pretty low, close to what is being advocated here. I have to agree that this lower placement has always looked better to me. 

Date: 01/23/23 07:56
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: zr190

illini73 Wrote:
> mapboy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Needs an MP buzzsaw logo!
> Actually, the circular part of the C&NW-like logo
> is the MoPac buzzsaw, if you look closely.

Actually, I intended to add to my original response, that the
emblem is a combination of the CNW Ball and Bars and the MOP buzzsaw.

Date: 01/23/23 17:35
Re: Alton & Southern heritage painted SD60 # 2205
Author: kennbritt

EricSP Wrote:
> If you are making changes, can you flip the
> American flag? The blue is supposed to be at the
> front.
The position of the flag is correct.  Reference www.usa.gov flag

Kennard Britton

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