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Western Railroad Discussion > U.P.'s MITPS

Date: 03/16/23 14:45
Author: Gerrypaul

I had never heard of the MITPS until earlier today. Runs from Itasca (Superior, WI) to Parsons, Kansas, correct? 

Does anyone have an idea days/time to expect to see it in South St. Paul? I got a tidbit on it of "at or after 9 am most days". 

I know about an MITDM to Des Moines. That's been around a while now, but this MITPS? 

I think of U.P. southbounds from the Duluth/Superior area all working at the S. St. Paul yard before continuing south, but I am led to believe that this MITPS just changes crews and goes, with no work. 

Can anyone please provide updated information on this train? 



Date: 03/16/23 15:17
Re: U.P.'s MITPS
Author: timz

Parsons is still a destination? I assumed it expired with MKT.

Date: 03/16/23 16:57
Re: U.P.'s MITPS
Author: JasonCNW

I dont think UP takes much of the spine line traffic to Kansas City to classify any more. ITDM iirc is now the ITPS.

Posted from Android

Date: 03/16/23 18:39
Re: U.P.'s MITPS
Author: pbouzide

These symbols change so often because I don't think it matters as much anymore where they originate and terminate as where they stop along the way to pick up or set out blocks and what trains they might connect to that originate in a place like Parsons, KS.

All of these small-to-medium sized flat yards (SSP, Des Moines. hump closed Neff, Parsons) are roughly equivalent places to terminate or originate symbols from an endpoint like Itasca, and the varying amount of traffic that might originate or terminate with those yards as serving yards for first-mile/last-mile might be enough reason to change the symbols. See also trains that originate and terminate in places like Herrington, KS, Altoona, WI, Boone or Council Bluffs, IA, or Green River, WY as examples.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 15:23 by pbouzide.

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