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Western Railroad Discussion > OT: ships at Benicia?

Date: 03/17/23 11:35
OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: timz

On the way to Sacramento today, passed
two ships at Benicia, both? bulk carriers,
maybe tankers? The Polar Endeavor
(based at Long Beach) and a smaller one
based in Panama. Are they both tankers
for the refinery? Carrying crude in,
or something out?

How about the Empire State, tied up
at Selby? Is there some refinery pipeline
from that pier? What is getting built at Selby,

Date: 03/17/23 11:52
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: longliveSP

Polar Endeavor is a US Flagged crude oil tanker. It appears to be heading up to the PNW to load.

Galleon is a bulk carrier unloading at Benicia from Korea. There is a tug alongside which probably indicates it will be departing soon.

Date: 03/17/23 12:12
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: BoilingMan

Polar Endeavour carries bulk oil and they're rounding Angel Island and headed to Long Beach...  Hmmm   maybe Port Angeles (I'm not sure of the Port code: CLM
Empire State carries oil or cemicals.  They're underway too, but I don't know yet where they're headed.  They're just now out of the Golden Gate, so we'll have to see which way they turn...
At the moment Galleon is still moored and not showing it's next destination yet.

Update: Empire State is turning South now. Still no destination shown.
The Endeavor is heading North.
The Galleon is moored.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/23 14:29 by BoilingMan.

Date: 03/17/23 13:14
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: portlander

NuStar has a terminal at Selby. I know that at the very least, there is some sustainable aviation fuel coming out of there. 

Date: 03/17/23 13:42
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: pbouzide

Isn't there an auto import facility for Ro-Ro ships there also?

Date: 03/17/23 13:56
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: koloradokid

BoilingMan Wrote:
> Polar Endeavour carries bulk oil and they're
> rounding Angel Island and headed to Long
> Beach...  Hmmm   maybe Port Angeles (I'm not
> sure of the Port code: CLM
> Empire State carries oil or cemicals.  They're
> underway too, but I don't know yet where they're
> headed.  They're just now out of the Golden Gate,
> so we'll have to see which way they turn...
> At the moment Galleon is still moored and not
> showing it's next destination yet.
> SR
> Update: Empire State is turning North

Empire State has been seen up here on the Columbia River.  We have had a nubmer of tankers, like the Ohio & Louisiana, that do a partial load at Portland (crude) and more (diesel) at Port Westward.  Often they head to Long Beach for unloading.  May also stop at another point to off load part of what they have on board.  Some from the Columbia do go up to Port Angeles.  CLM is at Port Angeles.


Date: 03/17/23 14:21
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: gobbl3gook

You can follow ships, boats and barges at 


Anywhere in the world.  

Ted in OR

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/23 14:22 by gobbl3gook.

Date: 03/17/23 14:53
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: RRaburn

This is not necessarily OT. The ships delivering cars and backhauling rice dock downstream from the Suisun Bay rail lift span between Martinez and Benicia. Ship traffic to Sacramento or Stockton often delay trains when the bridge is raised. The Capitol Corridor seeks to replace this bridge, opened in 1930.

Date: 03/18/23 11:40
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: BoilingMan

Endeavor is now off the Oregon Coast- almost Coos Bay

Empire Express is off the So Cal Coast, quite far out- beyond San Nicolas Island, so probably headed to Mexico or further.

Galleon still moored.

Date: 03/18/23 14:20
Re: OT: ships at Benicia?
Author: KEL27

CLM is the airport code for Port Angeles, WA, so it would be a good bet that that is also the code for ships.

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