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Western Railroad Discussion > GEEP on the nighttime industrial switcher along BNSF Glasston Sub

Date: 03/25/23 19:39
GEEP on the nighttime industrial switcher along BNSF Glasston Sub
Author: jmulhol2

A solo "GEEP", BNSF #2948 (EMD GP39-2; built: 05/1979; Ex-ATSF; remote-control-equipped motor), pulls the nighttime industrial 15-car switcher train eastbound (geographically southbound) as it is about to leave the BNSF Glasston Subdivision and enter the BNSF Grand Forks, ND, train yard during the morning hours of 03/23/2023. This train was made up of loaded centerbeam cars, "reefer" (refrigerated) cars, and some sort of fertilizer/grain covered hopper cars. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/23 19:40 by jmulhol2.

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Date: 03/26/23 11:24
Re: GEEP on the nighttime industrial switcher along BNSF Glasston
Author: Griggs

(1) What's on those loaded centerbeam cars? Doesn't look exactly like lumber which is what we often see around the country. I usually think of your part of the world as grain and other agriculture products.
(2) A few days ago you posted about a train from Grand Forks to Noyes in northwest Minnesota. Does BNSF connect with one of the Canadian railroads there? Does BNSF still have some operation in Winnipeg that I remember reading about many years ago?

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