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Western Railroad Discussion > Low Number Boards

Date: 05/28/23 10:51
Low Number Boards
Author: MacBeau

While conducting microphone and weighted tripod tests on Beaumont Pass Thursday, this westbound 4x0 was captured climbing through Cabazon in a very strong wind. Something about the number boards caught my attention, despite the excessive noise and vibration.
Be of good cheer,

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Date: 05/28/23 11:03
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: texchief1

Nice video, Mac!  What model camcorder are you using?

RC Lundgren

Date: 05/28/23 11:13
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: MacBeau

The video feature on a Canon D80. With a 256GB chip, high capacity battery, and an external microphone it seems to do pretty well. The set-up time with the tripod is rather lengthy but will hopefully decrease with practice.

texchief1 Wrote:
> Nice video, Mac!  What model camcorder are you
> using?
> texchief1
> RC Lundgren

Date: 05/28/23 11:43
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: ntharalson

Somewhere on TO I remember a discussion about the numberboards.  As i recall, UP started out copying the CNW placement.  After the SP merger, SP types said those low number boards were susceptible to damage and should be placed above the cab.  UP decided that was a good idea and all their power since has come that way.  I've been watching a video and every once and a while I see this and have the same reaction Mac had.  Thanks for posting.  

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/23 18:45 by ntharalson.

Date: 05/28/23 14:08
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: SCAX3401

ntharalson Wrote:
> Somewhere on TO I remember a discussion about the
> numberboards.  As i recall, UP started out
> copying the CNW placement.  After the SP merger,
> SP types said those low number boards were
> suscptible to damage and should be placed above
> the cab.  UP decided that was a good idea and all
> their power since has come that way.  I've been
> watching a video and every once and a while I see
> this and have the same reaction Mac had.  Thanks
> for posting.  

Knowing the Union Pacific, they probably told the SP guys they were crazy and that the only way was the UP way...then the UP came up with the idea "all on their own" and told the SP guys this was the best way because they just figured it and why didn't you think of this.

Date: 05/28/23 14:26
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: Ritzville

Nice shot and enjoyable video!


Date: 05/28/23 14:40
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: oyw

What a nice video!

Date: 05/28/23 14:57
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: goneon66

MacBeau Wrote:
> The video feature on a Canon D80. With a 256GB
> chip, high capacity battery, and an external
> microphone it seems to do pretty well. The set-up
> time with the tripod is rather lengthy but will
> hopefully decrease with practice.
> —Mac
> texchief1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nice video, Mac!  What model camcorder are you
> > using?
> >
> > texchief1
> > RC Lundgren

great video quality.  the external mic is a must out here in the desert.

as far as the tripod goes, sometimes i just don't have time to set it up before the train appears so some of my videos are "hand held"..........


Date: 05/28/23 15:14
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: ble692

A little while back, someone inquired about whether a cab was redone when a unit was rebuilt. The consensus was that only what is on the work order is what gets done. This unit is a perfect example. At this point in the Wabtec C44ACM program for the UP the existing cabs were reused. Some parts were replaced internally and the outside was painted. But the number boards weren't on the work order! So there you have the old used up number boards rocking tn through what will probably be the biggest overhaul the 7015 will ever see. All because it wasn't on the work order...

Date: 05/28/23 15:32
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: Evan_Werkema

Pretty amazing to get four units elephant style with low numberboards on UP, even if the last one is CSX.  That CSX ES40DC also is the only unit in the consist that's less than a quarter century old.  The 7015 is an AC6000CW "convertible" dating from November 1995 and sounds like it has a K3HL airhorn. The 6736 is the oldest of the bunch, an ex-CNW AC4400CW built in December 1994, and 6651 is an original UP AC4400CW built in June 1997.

I've often wondered how news crews are able to record interviews outside with boom mics and not pick up any wind noise.  Anyone know the secret sauce?  Back when I shot video I had a nice furry wind muff on an external microphone, but the wind still got through.

Date: 05/28/23 16:06
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: MacBeau

Putting an external shotgun microphone at the bottom of a 32oz In-N-Out cup packed with foam was how I got away with shooting on Cajon in the early 90's.

Evan_Werkema Wrote:
> Back when I shot video I had a nice furry
> wind muff on an external microphone, but the wind
> still got through.

Date: 05/28/23 16:46
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: SCKP187

Nice, and all units facing forward too. I always like the look of low number boards
Brian Stevens

Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/28/23 17:23
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: TAW

SCKP187 Wrote:
> I always
> like the look of low number boards

It's not so important any more, but in train order days, high number boards on a low nose road switcher required looking almost right at the headlight to identify a train.


Date: 05/28/23 19:30
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: NWRail

MacBeau Wrote:
> Putting an external shotgun microphone at the
> bottom of a 32oz In-N-Out cup packed with foam
> was how I got away with shooting on Cajon in the
> early 90's.
> —Mac

Sounds like the perfect reason to stop and have lunch at In-N-Out!

Date: 05/28/23 21:18
Re: Low Number Boards
Author: Evan_Werkema

NWRail Wrote:

> Sounds like the perfect reason to stop and have lunch at In-N-Out!

Just don't order a "shake!" ;^)

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