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Western Railroad Discussion > New CPKC Livery Option

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Date: 06/02/23 04:43
New CPKC Livery Option
Author: zorz

As per an Facebook discussion, employees are voting on the next paint scheme from these five options.

Date: 06/02/23 04:44
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: zorz

Options 4 & 5

Date: 06/02/23 05:12
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: Spoony81

#3 I guess… they’re all pretty underwhelming IMO

Posted from iPhone

Date: 06/02/23 05:14
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: lne655

Looks like a CP vote, lets get some ideas from the KCS folks. 

Date: 06/02/23 05:25
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: DLM

If I could stop yawning, I might pick #2. Maybe they could just go with solid red, paint a very large beaver down each side, and stacked flags for the countries they serve on the nose and tail.

Date: 06/02/23 05:46
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: santafe199

I'd go with #1 just to keep solid red from being quite so overbearing...


Date: 06/02/23 05:59
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: bnsf6606

Option 5 for sure.  Like the black roof and extra striping similar to KCS at least

Date: 06/02/23 06:02
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: commissioner

I'd go with 1,3 or 5.

Mark Kennebeck
Saint Paul, MN

Date: 06/02/23 06:04
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: zorz

commissioner Wrote:
> I'd go with 1,3 or 5.

I'm thinking combine 3 and 5 - the nose tripes and the upper/lower trim would be quite elegant.

Date: 06/02/23 07:18
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: SR2

Spoony81 Wrote:
> #3 I guess… they’re all pretty underwhelming
> Posted from iPhone

Underwhelming is most cost effective (cheap!).  The
dark roof will help to cover up some of the filth present
on many of the CP units currently.

Date: 06/02/23 07:20
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: SOO6617

One thing the designs show is that Canadian Pacific Kansas City
is not long for this world. The company will be soon known just
by its initials "CPKC", otherwise the full name would be spelled
out on the long hood in at least one version.

Date: 06/02/23 07:32
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: dpc37

This is on the CPKC Employee Station I will be Voting not sure if I like any of them but maybe 1 or 5. David

Date: 06/02/23 07:34
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: baretables

santafe199 Wrote:
> I'd go with #1 just to keep solid red from being
> quite so overbearing...
> Lance/199


They might as well borrow CSX's suitcase and be honest with the name.    CP(kc)

Date: 06/02/23 07:40
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: FiestaFoamer

In order of preference, I would say 1,4,3,5,2... 5 looks good clean but I think it might look weird when the loco is faded and dirty, much like BNSF H2,  which also has a fat, bright sill stripe like that. 2 is the only one I really dislike, though.

Date: 06/02/23 07:41
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: ts1457

None. They need a scheme with a larger proportion of black to red and maybe more yellow striping thrown in.

Date: 06/02/23 07:53
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: Jesse6669

In my opinion, #3 is the best-- although I'm not an employee so my vote means doodly-squat!

Date: 06/02/23 07:56
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: zorz

Here's my proposed option 6.

Date: 06/02/23 07:57
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: atx_railfan

I don't hate option #3

Date: 06/02/23 08:05
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: mcdeo

Would 3, 4, 5 look better with a yellow sill stripe? UP does it, so CPKC could. 

Mike ONeill
Parker, CO

Date: 06/02/23 08:31
Re: New CPKC Livery Option
Author: mapboy

I like #4 best, but some of these are like being at the optometrist- "Which is better?  "A" or "B"?"


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