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Western Railroad Discussion > C&NW Weekend at IRM

Date: 06/10/24 18:05
C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: trainmandan

As mentioned in my last post, the Illinois Railway Museum recently held its C&NW Weekend on May 18-19, which was held concurrently with the C&NW Historical Society's annual convention. The weekend's festivities including bringing out all the C&NW locomotives (in CNW paint or not) and running them on mainline trains. UP also provided UP 1995 for display as part of the event.

Here's a sample of 11 photos from the event, which can also be found at the following link for higher quality. Enjoy!

2024 C&NW Weekend at IRM | Flickr

1) CNW 7009 shows off its newly painted cab logos, this shot from the engineer's side.

2) UP 1995 meets CRIP 4506, which today is "patched" as CNW 4160, recalling the days when C&NW acquired old equipment from the Rock Island.

3) CNW 1689, one of two remaining Alco RSD-5s, leads the caboose train into Johnson Siding, as seen from the coach train.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/24 18:49 by trainmandan.

Date: 06/10/24 18:07
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: trainmandan

4) Another angle of 1689, seen here departing Johnson Siding with a nice belch of smoke.

5) GP7 #1518 makes an appearance at Johnson with a photo freight.

6) Back at the museum, UP 1995 basks in the sunlight, making for a great roster shot.

Date: 06/10/24 18:10
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: trainmandan

7) CNW 4160 arrives at the station with the caboose train and passes one of the vintage dwarf signals at the west end of the platform.

8) 4160 has just put away the caboose train and is passing RDC #9933 (itself a CNW machine at one point) on its way back to the station.

9) Weird lashup brought to you by IRM - CNW 1518, UP 1995, and CNW 7009. This trio did not pull any trains; the crew was merely shunting engines around as volunteers were getting ready to do some trial runs on the mainline with some of the locomotives for training purposes.

Date: 06/10/24 18:13
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: trainmandan

10) CNW 411 basks in the sun with an idling bilevel train at the station.

11) Three models, one family - CNW 4160 (GP7), CNW 411 (F7), and CNW 6847 (SD40-2). 4160 is running along the mainline for the volunteer training, while 6847 returned from doing just that several minutes prior.

Thanks for looking!

Date: 06/10/24 20:58
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: pt199

Beautiful, the IRM is a class act!

Date: 06/11/24 07:20
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: atsf121

I really need to make a visit to the IRM one of these years.  Wonderful set of photos, CNW sure had a nice looking fleet.


Date: 06/11/24 07:40
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: HotWater

trainmandan Wrote:
> As mentioned in my last post, the Illinois Railway
> Museum recently held its C&NW Weekend on May
> 18-19, which was held concurrently with the C&NW
> Historical Society's annual convention. The
> weekend's festivities including bringing out all
> the C&NW locomotives (in CNW paint or not) and
> running them on mainline trains. UP also provided
> UP 1995 for display as part of the event.
> Here's a sample of 11 photos from the event, which
> can also be found at the following link for higher
> quality. Enjoy!
> 2024 C&NW Weekend at IRM | Flickr
> 1) CNW 7009 shows off its newly painted cab logos,
> this shot from the conductor's side.

Sorry, that is the Engineer's side. Note the letter "F" on the underframe side-sill near the front step, thus the unit is "short hood front".

Date: 06/11/24 07:41
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: HotWater

rantoul Wrote:
> I knew of CNW left-hand running but did not know
> CNW engines were set up to reverse the engineer -
> conductor cab work areas. 

They were not.

Thanks for the photos.

Date: 06/11/24 18:50
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: trainmandan

HotWater Wrote:
> trainmandan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As mentioned in my last post, the Illinois
> Railway
> > Museum recently held its C&NW Weekend on May
> > 18-19, which was held concurrently with the
> C&NW
> > Historical Society's annual convention. The
> > weekend's festivities including bringing out
> all
> > the C&NW locomotives (in CNW paint or not) and
> > running them on mainline trains. UP also
> provided
> > UP 1995 for display as part of the event.
> >
> > Here's a sample of 11 photos from the event,
> which
> > can also be found at the following link for
> higher
> > quality. Enjoy!
> >
> > 2024 C&NW Weekend at IRM | Flickr
> >
> > 1) CNW 7009 shows off its newly painted cab
> logos,
> > this shot from the conductor's side.
> Sorry, that is the Engineer's side. Note the
> letter "F" on the underframe side-sill near the
> front step, thus the unit is "short hood front".
Silly mistake on my part, caption fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.

Date: 06/13/24 00:52
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: GN599

Totally cool! It's like an op session at a 1:1 scale model railroad club!

Date: 06/13/24 05:35
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: Jbarton

Thanks for sharing these great photos of a wonderful museum that I look forward to getting back to.  They put together some amazing events.

Jim Barton

Date: 06/14/24 12:06
Re: C&NW Weekend at IRM
Author: ns1000

Another great set of pics!!

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