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Western Railroad Discussion > Attn: Oxnard Ca. area SP fans

Date: 07/13/05 22:39
Attn: Oxnard Ca. area SP fans
Author: pdt

Was riding 798 today from slo to lax...
Pulled into OXR just as the Leesdale switcher
was backing his train into the yard...

Power was 3 SP SD-40M's, with north facing
unit unpatched SP8643. Other 2 were 2668 (patched)
and 2746 (patched) All units had full SP lettering
on long hood. Also, Oxnard switcher power was an
up-patched SP unit facing north, and UP unit facing south,

If anyone's in the area tomorrow morning, you may be able
to get pix of 2 unpatched SP units side-by-side in the yard.

If anyone gets photos, pls post.



ps. If anyone besides me ever chases the Guadalupe
switcher, a Patched DRGW (GP-40?) will be leading
to lompoc thurs morning. They usually reach the branch
at surf around 10am or so.

Date: 07/14/05 01:15
Re: Attn: Oxnard Ca. area SP fans
Author: railstiesballast

The Leesdale died at Strathearn due to the Metrolink tie gang, the units are probably going to be there until mid-morning.

Date: 07/14/05 12:29
Re: Attn: Oxnard Ca. area SP fans
Author: DaveD

Oh geez... I guess I'm going to have to go out in the heat and down to Gemco now. I thought all the SP stuff would be gone by now. I haven't been over there in a long time. I remember when they had two un-patched DRGW geeps running on the Saugus for a while.

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