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Steam & Excursion > The High Iron Company (2)

Date: 05/12/22 17:08
The High Iron Company (2)
Author: scoopdejour

Thanks to everyone that replied to my first post dated April 15, 2022. Your stories and photos are appreciated. My history of the High Iron Company is coming along. There are 8 chapters so far but each needs more "meat" if you will.So, if any of you have stories, comments, photos, etc that you would send my way, full credit will be given for you in the final publication.
I've recently received info from several railroad book publishers who have expressed interest but have also provided advice as to the next step. It's a lot of work but I belie!ve I can do it, that's half the battle
Two chapters that have really good content so far are the HICO trips and The Golden Spike Centennial spectacular. These were achieved by fellow rail fans donating text and images for which I'm thank full.
I'll keep you posted as I document the greatest private company of non-railroaders that essentialy created the high speed steam excursion industry. After us, others said if HICO can do it so can we and look what we have today. More rebuilt steam locomotives than we had back in 1966.
Thanks again everyone,
Hank Webber

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