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Date: 01/23/23 09:28
Precision firing UP 8444
Author: Frisco1522

No mosquitos there any more.

Date: 01/23/23 09:49
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: Wolfman

Oh Man !  Lol !! 

Date: 01/23/23 10:04
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: CO1309

I don't care what the current UP steam manager says, running a loco like this is cool, attention grabbing and enjoyable to see.  So what if it's not "efficient!"

Date: 01/23/23 10:09
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: HotWater

CO1309 Wrote:
> I don't care what the current UP steam manager
> says, running a loco like this is cool, attention
> grabbing and enjoyable to see.  So what if it's
> not "efficient!"

Well, those of that are "familiar" with oil fired steam locomotives, regardless of size, realize that such action is more detrimental to the firebox, not to mention the surrounding environment (you wouldn't believe all the snot that falls out of such a cloud), than efficiency issues.

Date: 01/23/23 10:45
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: dan

back when they would sand the firebox

and do runbys

is this near omaha or your neck of the woods 1522?

Date: 01/23/23 10:46
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: wcamp1472

That's simply low temperature, oxygen starved, ignorant understanding of
how combustion works.

The firebox internal color is dark orange, cold, dark flame. 
What was the fireman's intent?    If it's about attempting to boil water,
that's NOT gonna' do it,.


Date: 01/23/23 11:09
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: dan

you don't think it was a runby?

that was standard smoke for UP runbys in seventies early eighties, you saw more than I Wes?

Date: 01/23/23 11:13
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: LarryDoyle

You're looking at the difference between the plan and it's implementation.

And, on an oil burner things can go to he** in a hurry. Those things have no forgiveness.


Date: 01/23/23 11:34
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: A-1

CO1309 Wrote:
> I don't care what the current UP steam manager
> says, running a loco like this is cool, attention
> grabbing and enjoyable to see.  So what if it's
> not "efficient!"

It's not the type of attention you want to grab nowadays...

Posted from Android

Date: 01/23/23 11:55
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: junctiontower

I don't think ANYBODY's idea of a good runby is so much smoke you can barely see the train.

Date: 01/23/23 11:58
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: dan

They liked to give people a show back then, they wanted people to know on the other side of the valley the freak show was going on,  (a special) aka the original operation lifesaver !! 1522's pic looks urbanish leaving omaha, they wanted recognition, didn't sanding the flues and dumping fuel do this intentionally where ever they wanted good PR

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/23 15:20 by dan.

Date: 01/23/23 13:06
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: PHall

dan Wrote:
> They liked to give people a show back then

Things have changed a bit since then. 

Date: 01/23/23 14:42
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: zoohogger

maybe late 1980s I was standing at 84th Street along the UP in Omaha, Nebraska. Looking east waiting for 8444, I could see a cloud of black smoke on the horizon( a number of miles away) as it moved left to  right and then turned towards me. Similar to this cloud in the photo, it continued past me and west.
Perhaps there was some problem, perhaps someone told the fireman to let Omaha know that 8444 was leaving town. 
Excessive for sure.
One afternoon at Columbus, the eastbound 8444 left town in a cloud of smoke and I heard an old guy say:
He can run it cleaner than that, That's for sure!. 

Rick Z


Date: 01/23/23 15:01
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: BoilingMan

Holy Moly!  That is wrong in so many ways!

Date: 01/23/23 15:02
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: HotWater

All of that may be related to the oil they were purchasing from Sinclair (on-line customer out west near Ralwyns, sp), which was really, REALLY bad. Finally the change was made to reprocessed waste oil, plus the complete boiler overhaul (with a new firebox) after the 1999 boiler tube break. When she returned to service in 2005, she was a dream to fire, and difficult to make large amounts of smoke without quickly lifting the pops.

Date: 01/23/23 16:10
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: santafe199

Well Don... among all of the experts leaping up on their soapboxes to pound their chests, I for one enjoyed the humor in your "no more mosquitoes" assertion...


Date: 01/23/23 17:36
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: asheldrake

in todays environment, this would trigger getting your steam loco banned from operating within the city limits.  a terrible picture to publish regardless of year.    Arlen

Date: 01/23/23 18:17
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: sf1010

Or, might have been turbo lag on the protection diesel in the consist.

Date: 01/23/23 19:13
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: HotWater

sf1010 Wrote:
> Or, might have been turbo lag on the protection
> diesel in the consist.

There was no diesel in the consist.

Date: 01/23/23 19:26
Re: Precision firing UP 8444
Author: EMD2024

Sometimes sarcasm or a comment made in jest can be really, really hard to discern. Good grief.

Posted from Android

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