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Steam & Excursion > A pile of parts.

Date: 11/24/24 10:39
A pile of parts.
Author: roustabout

I was hired by Willamette & Pacific in 1996 and met George Lavacot while working there. He extended an invitation to come to his shop to work on some old tea kettle steam engine he had. Since they met on Friday and my work gave me Friday off, I showed up a couple of times but work and life got in the way of going back more. I was in the shop on April 10, 1997, working on something involved with the running gear of the old steamer - and got a couple photos of it and its [/color]parts laying around the shop. Imagine, 24 years later it was running and pulling passengers! Yes, Porky (Santa Maria Valley #205), before.

Date: 11/24/24 10:39
Re: A pile of parts.
Author: roustabout

Last one.

Date: 11/24/24 16:29
Re: A pile of parts.
Author: wp1801

Interesting, thanks, Lou

Date: 11/25/24 02:02
Re: A pile of parts.
Author: LoggerHogger

Here is when #205 passed her first Hydro in 2017.


Date: 11/26/24 22:25
Re: A pile of parts.
Author: Jim700

Here's a proud papa showing off his newly completed 205 and a photo of it dodging log trucks on the old non-electrified Oregon Electric Santiam Branch as I did so often on the same branch nearly two-thirds of a century ago.  It was always interesting returning from Sweet Home on the Night Logger.  Small train, big train: no problem.  Medium size train, sometimes it was necessary to double a hill.  The power was usually an RS-3.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/24 22:35 by Jim700.

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Date: 11/29/24 06:40
Re: A pile of parts.
Author: wp1801

Great video! I'm glad that 205 can stretch her legs in Lebanon.

Date: 11/29/24 09:32
Re: A pile of parts.
Author: RailRat

That engine is a real beauty!
Plus great story too.

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

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