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Date: 02/01/25 08:37
Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: wcamp1472

What is the date when the 1st replacement boiler tube was
installed in 2926, following the recent boiler inspection and
shell-thickness measurements?

I had heard rumors that there were several types of boiler-shell repairs
that were applied to 2926, and may not be typical to standard loco construction methods.
What are the concerns there, and are the "exception repairs" acceptable …. ?

A steamer must be accepted and certified by a cooperative Class 1
RR before operating over it’s mainlines.

Which major RR is certifying 2926, to meet FRA requirements,
for operation over it’s main lines?

Loco fan-clubs are not regulated or certified by FRA regulations.


Posted from iPhone

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 09:55 by wcamp1472.

Date: 02/01/25 10:04
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: HotWater

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> What is the date when the 1st replacement boiler
> tube was
> installed in 2926, following the recent boiler
> inspection and
> shell-thickness measurements?
> I had heard rumors that there were several types
> of boiler-shell repairs
> that were applied to 2926, and may not be typical
> to standard loco construction methods.
> What are the concerns there, and are the
> "exception repairs" acceptable …. ?
> A steamer must be accepted and certified by a
> cooperative Class 1
> RR before operating over it’s mainlines.

I do not believe that is correct. Throughout the history of SP 4449, the FRA inspector/inspectors where the only ones that approved and "signed off" on all the various FRA required inspections and 15 year re-certifications.Nobody from the SP, BN nor BNSF ever was present or interested.

> Which major RR is certifying 2926, to meet FRA
> requirements,
> for operation over it’s main lines?

None to my knowledge.

> Loco fan-clubs are not regulated or certified by
> FRA regulations.

Their locomotives, steam, diesel, and/or electrics sure are.

> W.
> Posted from iPhone

Date: 02/01/25 10:51
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: flash34

The only other thing is/was that Amtrak required their own inspection before the 4449 or any other steam locomotive was authorized to pull a train when we operated under their insurance.

Scott Gordon

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 10:52 by flash34.

Date: 02/01/25 11:35
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: wcamp1472

I think you'll find that FRA does not sign-off anything.

They regulate the common carriers, and conduct business using formal
communications which are within the Law and Regulators, and the Carriers
that they regulate.  If a loco is not in compliance, they handle that with the 
carriers that they regulate.

They may send inspectors at the request of the common carriers that they regulate.
Or, they may make field inspections at any time.... and notifying the carriers of any
nom-compliance issues that they find.

They may be very friendly in "the field", but, their mission is ensurance & compliance
with the law,  by the carriers that they regulate.

Any 'challenges' that the FRA makes are directed to the specific carrier,
not to the fan-group.

While I was Master Mechanic at Potomac Yards, Alexandria....
we were "an in the field Inpsection Class Room" for new classes 
of FRA inspectors being trained by FRA as field inspectors.

We had thousands of cars, on a daily basis, and the FRA instructors, as well 
as their "students". wete writing-up as many car and loco defects as they could find.
Often times, they would find defects in out-going trains --- which required that
we delay the deparures, as the cars were separated for repairs.

Most of the defects were minor, and many were caught by FRA folks before 
our regular receiving-yard inspectors had gone-over the earlier, arrived trains.

The FRA inspectors and students left us their lists of defects, by car number,
and we got them all corrected.   Mostly, we would give the classification tower
trainmaster the car numbers that needed fixin', and during classification of cars
over the gravity-humps, the defective cars were directed to one, easily accesible
class-yard track, and when  all defect-cars had been sorted, our guys could go down
the line, making repairs...except for heavier work, like, freight-truck & wheel defects....

Those cars would later be sent through the Shop ---- equipped with under floor,
hydraulic  jacks... and get corrected there.

All of which reminded me of the two Biggest Lles in Railroading:
FRA Inspectors:  "We're only here to help."
PY Master Mechanic: "I'm so glad to see you!"


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 12:30 by wcamp1472.

Date: 02/01/25 15:54
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: Frisco1522

flash34 Wrote:
> The only other thing is/was that Amtrak required
> their own inspection before the 4449 or any other
> steam locomotive was authorized to pull a train
> when we operated under their insurance.
> Scott Gordon
> Posted from iPhone
1522 and our support cars were all inspected by Amtrak when we ran under their insurance umbrella.  We were also accountable to the FRA. SLSTA was under their jurisdiction. Our 3 engineers were FRA certified and subject to check rides by either the RR, Amtrak or FRA.

Date: 02/02/25 06:08
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: aztrainmaster

§ 230.7 Responsibility for compliance.
(a) The locomotive owner and/or operator is directly responsible for ensuring that all requirements of this part are satisfied, and is the entity primarily responsible for compliance with this part.
(b) Although the duties imposed by this part are generally stated in terms of the duties of a railroad or a steam locomotive owner and/or operator, any person, including a contractor for a railroad, who performs any function covered by this part must perform that function in accordance with this part.
(c) Chapter 207 of Title 49 of the United States Codes makes it unlawful for any railroad to use or permit to be used on its line any steam locomotive or tender unless the entire steam locomotive or tender and its parts and appurtenances are in proper condition and safe to operate in the service to which they are put, without unnecessary danger of personal injury and have been inspected and tested as required by this part.

Owners, operators, contractors, and railroads are subject to 49 CFR 230 steam locomotive regulatory requirements.

Date: 02/02/25 07:52
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: wcamp1472

Anybody got an answer to my
original question?

Has it been more than 1472 days?


Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/25 07:57 by wcamp1472.

Date: 02/02/25 08:46
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: HotWater

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Anybody got an answer to my
> original question?
> Has it been more than 1472 days?

No. According to their website, 2826 was fired up for the first time, August 20, 2018. I have no idea how many times they have fired it up, and/or moved it under its own power, nor when/how they perform their FRA mandated annual hydrostatic test/inspection.

> W.

Date: 02/02/25 11:31
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: wcamp1472

The critical time STARTS from the date of the first tube installation, following 
the boiler inspection and ultrasonic test measurements of the thin-est boiler-shell  
sheet.   Firebox sheets are thinner than the boiler shell, by design. 

That date starts the "boiler-time clock" ticking.... whether fired-up, or not.
You can get credit for 365-days out-of-service, and that gets you to 5 years ...
After that, you gotta' do another 1472-days boiler inspection & ultra-sound readings.


Date: 02/02/25 15:48
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: Frisco1522

I guess you could go back on their web site and see.  You'd have to go back quite a ways because it seems like it was a long time ago.
Or is someone is reading this from their group, maybe they could tell.

Date: 02/02/25 16:05
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: aztrainmaster

§ 230.17 One thousand four hundred seventy-two (1472) service day inspection.
(a) General. Before any steam locomotive is initially put in service or brought out of retirement, and after every 1472 service days or 15 years, whichever is earlier, an individual competent to conduct the inspection shall inspect the entire boiler. In the case of a new locomotive or a locomotive being brought out of retirement, the initial 15 year period shall begin on the day that the locomotive is placed in service or 365 calendar days after the first flue tube is installed in the locomotive, whichever comes first.

Date: 02/02/25 16:15
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: longliveSP

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> The critical time STARTS from the date of the
> first tube installation, following 
> the boiler inspection and ultrasonic test
> measurements of the thin-est boiler-shell  
> sheet.   Firebox sheets are thinner than the
> boiler shell, by design. 
> That date starts the "boiler-time clock"
> ticking.... whether fired-up, or not.
> You can get credit for 365-days out-of-service,
> and that gets you to 5 years ...
> After that, you gotta' do another 1472-days boiler
> inspection & ultra-sound readings.
> W.


Unless they some how run out the 1472 in service days sooner, the next 1472 day inspection is in 2031.




Date: 02/02/25 17:45
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: callum_out

The earlier in this case would be 15 years, I can't remember exact dates but when I donated for some
superheater parts it had to be 15 years ago and it's tough to install superheaters without tubes in place.
To Wes' point, I'd be curious of some exact dates.


Date: 02/03/25 00:20
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: ColdWaterAlarmist

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Anybody got an answer to my
> original question?
> Has it been more than 1472 days?
> W.
> Posted from iPhone

According to some sources, there is at least 7 years left on the flue time for the 2926.

Plenty of time for them to do some historical adventures and put some smiles on the faces of many.

Date: 02/03/25 08:22
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: wcamp1472

Over which RR would it run and make folks smile ?
What trips would it be making?



Date: 02/03/25 08:24
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: HotWater

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Over which RR would it run and make folks smile ?
> What trips would it be making?
> W.

And,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what would it pull?

Date: 02/03/25 11:56
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: callum_out

I still don't understand the "which railroad" question. The operation is immediately adjacent to a state/local owned
rail line, do you think the state would turn down operations on a "public" line?


Date: 02/03/25 12:37
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: HotWater

callum_out Wrote:
> I still don't understand the "which railroad"
> question. The operation is immediately adjacent to
> a state/local owned
> rail line, do you think the state would turn down
> operations on a "public" line?
> Out 

Yes, in my opinion, I do think the state would turn down such operations.

Date: 02/03/25 15:00
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: Cumbresfan

Based on their photo gallery, the year the first tubes were placed was 2015 but they aren't dated so it was likely summer or fall.  The first fire was in 2018 and the engine first ran on site in July 2021. Given that their recent firing history has been sparse (several times a year since 2023) they may be able to apply for a waiver of the 2031 date. Their maximum runs away from the restoration site have been a few miles to the old SF railyards with a maximum restriced speed of 20 mph for short distances.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/25 07:55 by Cumbresfan.

Date: 02/03/25 23:33
Re: Loco ATSF 2926…
Author: ColdWaterAlarmist

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Over which RR would it run and make folks smile ?
> What trips would it be making?
> W.

Well…since it’s based in ABQ…I’d imagine they’d be operating on NMDOT or RioMetro as it’s called down there.

I wouldn’t be shocked if we see some action in the next 12 to 18 months. They already have a JUA for ops between their compound and the BNSF yard south of the Transit Center in downtown.

Let’s just sit back be hopeful and enjoy whatever happens.

Posted from iPhone

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