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Steam & Excursion > What's Wrong with this picture?

Date: 01/12/04 16:28
What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: nycman

Photo contest entry. Taken in October at the Sumpter Valley Railway in eastern Oregon. Sumpter Valley 2-8-2 No. 19 in a scenic setting.

Date: 01/12/04 16:45
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: jdc3751

The photo is upside down.

Date: 01/12/04 20:43
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: Ed_Gyptian

There are not trees in the reflection?

Date: 01/12/04 21:47
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: hondo52

I have too agree,picture is upside down.


Date: 01/12/04 23:48
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: ghoerm

The top and bottom are two different pictures taken at two different locations.

Date: 01/13/04 05:06
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: MrMRL

See beyond the picture, ..., there IS no steam engine..., ..., ?

Robby F. (Mr. MRL) <-- Confucious say, "U must be awake in order to be tired."

Date: 01/14/04 15:03
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: nycman

Well, it's been there a few days now, and jdc3751 and hondo52 are right, it is upside down. No other alteration or trickery has been done to it. The brush in the foreground (top) is the giveaway. I was so impressed with the reflection opportunities at the Sumpter Valley RR, one of the most photogenic places I have been.

Date: 01/18/04 18:27
Re: What's Wrong with this picture?
Author: CSX7054

Save the picture, Open the file and flip it upside down, Not odd, but just a little photoshop help.

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