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Nostalgia & History > Toto Tuesday: Long Day on the KP . . .

Date: 03/27/12 15:40
Toto Tuesday: Long Day on the KP . . .
Author: SCKP187

After bragging last week about the west end local was good at getting over the road in good time, this particular trip from my dad's conductor's book indicates a breakdown in the system in the test of time. Track speeds a little slower, distance longer with the terminal being moved from Ellis further west of Salina Ks to Oakley Ks and the general branchline status instead of main line mentality---but still plenty of industry and station switching to perform. One of the few trips he went dead you could probably count on one hand July 6 1982 eb Trn 156 starts off with 7'20" penalty time, a small train but station switching at Grinnell 365-Grainfield 356-Quinter343-Collyer 336-Voda 330-WaKeeney 322 with a meet with trn #118 (overtake)-Ogallah 314 with a meet with trn #117-Ellis 303-Hays 290 with a meet with opposing counterpart trn#157-Victoria 280-Walker 276-Gorham 272-and finally running out of time at Russell and then another 4'15" tow-in time to Salina. For the younger members that may not have knowledge of a Conductor's Book I have included a photo. My dad carried his in a leather case made years ago by one of his regular riders in passenger service. You could always tell who the conductor was on a crew because this book and the TT was in the hip pocket of his overalls. Another note, the same crew called for Trn #157 July 7 615p, the hoghead Wastenberg lived in Ellis, I bet he didn't get much rest after driving the 116 miles home and then back to Salina.
Thanks for looking
Brian Stevens

Date: 03/30/12 19:52
Re: Toto Tuesday: Long Day on the KP . . .
Author: upkpfan

That is really a beautiful cover that your dad had there. Thanks for sharing. upkpfan

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