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Date: 09/02/12 16:25
Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: PossumBellyCaboose

There's enough clues provided in the image that I expect correct answers to the question in record time. Can you identify the make and model of the loco? More difficult of course would be the original railroad the equipment ran on. Ready, get set, go.

Nick Roberts

Date: 09/02/12 16:30
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: aronco

GE U-25?


Date: 09/02/12 16:38
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: sp5312

Alco C something

Date: 09/02/12 17:01
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: SanJoaquinEngr


Date: 09/02/12 17:10
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: LarryDoyle

SanJoaquinEngr Wrote:

The 26 brake was introduced 3 years after the PA ceased production.


Date: 09/02/12 17:12
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: icancmp193

aronco Wrote:
> GE U-25?
> Norm

I agree, for what it's worth.

Tom Y

Date: 09/02/12 17:16
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: rehunn

Rock Island U25B?

Date: 09/02/12 17:19
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: PossumBellyCaboose

So far not too bad. Another clue: image made in 1980 in Los Angeles County (California)

Date: 09/02/12 17:23
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: AfroRon

ALCO C415?

Date: 09/02/12 17:32
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: ssw


edit to add Santa Fe...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/12 17:33 by ssw.

Date: 09/02/12 18:22
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: ATSF100WEST

Santa Fe U33C



Date: 09/02/12 18:46
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: ddg

Control stand looks Alco, but older GE's had that same load meter. Santa Fe Alco's I remember had the brakes over to the left, not up front.

Posted from Android

Date: 09/02/12 19:12
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: Steinzeit

1. "....the original railroad...." suggests this unit is second hand [ or it could be something like LAJ ]
2. The 'brakes in front' layout doesn't strike me as a post 1960 GE road loco
3. Not a lot of electrical stuff on the control stand -- and interesting gage selection / positioning on the right
4. Is that an air sand or horn valve at the right ? Looks too close to the gages to be 3 position, maybe bell ?
5. Maybe it's the photo angle or my memory, but is that centre window low enough for most 'conventional low nose' units ?
6. Wondering about something like an Alco sw, but ex-common carrier because of the Barco.
Excellent quiz !!

Date: 09/02/12 19:54
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: 24-RL

Just a wild guess- an Alco RS-3 rebuilt with a chopped nose? And regarding the PAs- while it's true none were built with 26-L brake equipment, I can think of four of them which had it installed during a rebuild. Anybody know which ones?

Date: 09/02/12 20:25
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: PHall

SP Alco RSD-12.

Date: 09/02/12 20:26
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: EMDSW-1

24-RL Wrote:
> Just a wild guess- an Alco RS-3 rebuilt with a
> chopped nose? And regarding the PAs- while it's
> true none were built with 26-L brake equipment, I
> can think of four of them which had it installed
> during a rebuild. Anybody know which ones?

Doyle's of course to start with.

Dick Samuels

Date: 09/02/12 20:48
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: PHall

EMDSW-1 Wrote:
> 24-RL Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just a wild guess- an Alco RS-3 rebuilt with a
> > chopped nose? And regarding the PAs- while it's
> > true none were built with 26-L brake equipment,
> I
> > can think of four of them which had it
> installed
> > during a rebuild. Anybody know which ones?
> Doyle's of course to start with.
> Dick Samuels

AKA the only PA4's ever "built".

Date: 09/02/12 21:03
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: tinytrains

That is not a PA windshield. The control stand says General Electric but it appears to be an Alco stand. GE may have supplied it. Maybe one of the Alco's at Metropolitan Stevedore in Long Beach.

Scott Schifer
Torrance, CA
TinyTrains Website

Date: 09/02/12 21:55
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: PHall

tinytrains Wrote:
> That is not a PA windshield. The control stand
> says General Electric but it appears to be an Alco
> stand. GE may have supplied it. Maybe one of the
> Alco's at Metropolitan Stevedore in Long Beach.

Like I said in an above post, RSD-12.

Date: 09/02/12 22:14
Re: Identify the locomotive you're running
Author: sp5312

Well I'll try again. Alco RSD 12, former SP, lettered Metropolitan Stevedore now at Perris.

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