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Nostalgia & History > prairie trunk railroad?

Date: 01/15/13 19:59
prairie trunk railroad?
Author: billyiii87

anybody have any info on this shortline railroad or pics of this shortline that was in southern illinois?

Date: 01/16/13 06:50
Re: prairie trunk railroad?
Author: Fireman424

I know it ran from Springfield to Shawneetown Illinois on a B&O branch, it was owned by Craig Burroughs. The lines operations were suspended in June of 1984 and was abandoned in July of 1985. My boss Terry Respondek used to work for this line and he told me it was pretty much 5mph with slow orders on some of that track.They did have at least one GP-7 from Belt Railway and an RS-3 but thats about all I know of it.

Randy Allard

Date: 01/16/13 10:10
Re: prairie trunk railroad?
Author: billyiii87

so this must be the old line that ran south from mcleansboro illinois

Date: 01/16/13 14:33
Re: prairie trunk railroad?
Author: dt5855

The line out of Mcleansboro was the old L&N line. Prarie Trunk was farther east at Enfield.

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