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Nostalgia & History > F45 Friday

Date: 11/29/24 06:24
F45 Friday
Author: MILW86A

BN 6603 West crosses the ICG at East Dubuque IL June 8 1974. Bill Ohde photo.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. 
Many blessings to you and your families

Date: 11/29/24 08:01
Re: F45 Friday
Author: FiveChime

Nice shot. I've seen others at this location. Does this crossing still exsist?
Most of been costly to cut that tunnel.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 11/29/24 08:22
Re: F45 Friday
Author: ntharalson

FiveChime Wrote:
> Nice shot. I've seen others at this location. Does
> this crossing still exsist?
> Most of been costly to cut that tunnel.
> Regards, Jim Evans

Yes.  The now CN still crosses the BNSF, former Q at this railfan spot, although it's now off limits to railfans.

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/24 07:57 by ntharalson.

Date: 11/29/24 08:42
Re: F45 Friday
Author: E25

That has got to be one of the wierdest prototype track set-ups that I have ever seen.  Check-out Google Maps or similar and you can see that the ICG line going into the tunnel comes directly off of a Mississippi River bridge, crosses the BN tracks and then makes a sharp arc INSIDE the tunnel to the right and comes back out in a quarter-mile or so facing South, parallel to the BN line, and joins it just before the Highway 20 overpass.  And -- there is a road crossing right at the south end of the tunnel exit!   So if you were the engineer on a train going (blind) through the tunnel, you could be facing an immediate broadside with a truck or another train, depending upon which direction you were travelling, with zero chance of avoiding a collision if you are still moving.  Maybe there is an enforced "stop" at both ends... otherwise, only time for a short prayer, LOL.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/29/24 12:43 by E25.

Date: 11/29/24 10:01
Re: F45 Friday
Author: overniteman

Nice shot!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/29/24 10:21
Re: F45 Friday
Author: MILW16

Take a look at the NS (former N&W/Wabash) crossing of the Mississippi River and the BNSF (former BN/CB&Q) on the north side of Hannibal, MO.  NS crosses the river from the east, immediaitely crosses the BNSF and goes into a tunnel and cut that does a greater than 90 degree turn to the south and comes out parallel to the BNSF.

Date: 11/29/24 11:31
Re: F45 Friday
Author: TCnR

Is that trailing locomotive an SD45?

Someone explained the idea of running cowl units with SD45's and it seems to be valid for a number of photos posted on TO, maybe a certain number of years. It seems more than just a random daw from the roundhouse.

Interesting photo and location.


Date: 11/29/24 19:37
Re: F45 Friday
Author: Quakerengr

That road crossing just outh of the tunnell is for MOW folks only...


Date: 11/30/24 07:58
Re: F45 Friday
Author: ntharalson

Quakerengr Wrote:
> That road crossing just outh of the tunnell is for
> MOW folks only...

Today, yes.  But back in the day it was the access to the now gone Q depot.

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

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