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Nostalgia & History > Key System Piedmont Station

Date: 04/06/04 18:06
Key System Piedmont Station
Author: BNSFhogger

Here is a shot of the Key system Piedmont station taken on 8-24-1954.

Date: 04/06/04 22:55
Re: Key System 40th St Station
Author: stash

Great photo!

That's Piedmont Station in Oakland, California on the "C" line. The cross street is 41st and the intersecting street to the left is Piedmont Avenue. The train is on the westbound track and the destination is San Francisco. In the distance looking under the trainshed the double track will become single and curve to the right in a cut, again returning to the street (and double track) at 40th & Broadway. Right behind the concrete bumper, to the right of the two guys and stop sign, is a third track used for infrequent storage.

The shed is gone and today it's a parking area. The actual building to the left, under the clock tower, remains and JJ's restaurant is located there. Inside the eatery are photos of the Key trains on the walls.

One thing catching my eye is at the lower left part of the photo. It appears some Piedmont Avenue streetcar rail remains, even though those cars ended service in 1948.

The Key System "C" line last saw service in the early evening of April 19, 1958. (Nights and Sunday service on both the "C" and "E" routes was by bus.) The final rail service on Key System was April 20, 1958 on the "A", "B" and "F" lines.

Today, about where the train's bumper is in the photo, is a plaque. I've attached a photo of it.

Of course, one great feature of the articulated units was that huge window opposite the motorman's cab. A real railfan seat, if there ever was one.

Date: 04/06/04 23:05
Re: Key System 40th St Station
Author: stash

One more thing. There is a great collection of Key System (and other) electric photos here:

It would be nice to see the photo you posted added to the collection on Dave's web site, if possible.

Here's a photo of a "C" train at the Oakland Avenue terminal not too far from Piedmont Station.

Date: 04/07/04 07:52
Re: Key System 40th St Station
Author: BNSFhogger

Thanks for clearing that up. My grandfather was a motorman for the PE so he was interested in Interurban lines in other cities. He took that shot.

Date: 04/07/04 13:05
Key System & Oakland
Author: Westbound

These are all great photos. Helps one remember that Oakland was a really great city. In fact it still is, with numerous good places to eat and you can even park just about anywhere in the city despite the long ago departure of both streetcars and the Key System.

Date: 04/07/04 20:31
Great website
Author: odub


Thanks for pointing out that website. Outstanding electric collection.

Don Hall
Yreka, CA

Date: 04/12/04 08:30
Re: Key System 40th St Station
Author: Doug

stash Wrote:
> Great photo!
> That's Piedmont Station in Oakland, California on
> the "C" line. The cross street is 41st and the
> intersecting street to the left is Piedmont
> Avenue.
Great shots. The Piedmont Avenue station was in Oakland; the Oakland Avenue station was in Piedmont. Hey, I didn't name them. I lived on Oakland Avenue in Piedmont, about three blocks from that station. In those days it was safe for a kid to walk or bike a few blocks from home to look at trains. Rode it to SF many times with my family.
> The Key System "C" line last saw service in the
> early evening of April 19, 1958.
I remember hearing many torpedos that last run. We could see from the back windows of our house a fair section of the right of way between Piedmont Avenue and Oakland Avenue. I didn't remember it being early evening, but rather night time. But, I was only 10, so my memory is probably defective.


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