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Audio Video Sharing Discussion > The Pennsylvania E units.

Date: 06/28/09 18:08
The Pennsylvania E units.
Author: m1bprr

Well things didn't work out as I had hoped. My plan to chase The PRR. E units starting at the Bridgeview B&B, catching them at Cove, Mifflln, and Lewistown didn't quite work out. I arrived at the Bridgeview Friday around 10 am. hoping the E's would be at Harrisburg station. NOT! So I spent a good part of the day with Keith on deck talking, and watching trains. Saturday arrives with sun which was all wrong for a good bridge shot, but took video anyway. Jumped into the Avalanche headed west to Cove but just missed him! Didn't even try for Mifflin because by this time listening to him call signals we were neck, and neck. He had to be doing track speed! Pulled into Lewistown only to find others waving me to turn around. The E's had been through. At that point I decided screw this! I'm going down to the East Broad Top. Now that was rewarding.

Anyway, the E's on the Rockville.

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Date: 07/03/09 15:13
Re: The Pennsylvania E units.
Author: UPLasVegas

Awesome video and scenery,....Thnx for posting.

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