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Audio Video Sharing Discussion > Passing Trains--Greatest "Toot Toot Toots"

Date: 06/30/09 08:53
Passing Trains--Greatest "Toot Toot Toots"
Author: bert14

My collection of the greatest NS Toot Toot Toots compiled over the past few years, ending with one of the longest,
non road crossing, and best Amtrak Toot Toot Toots you will ever hear. Enjoy, Doug http://www.trainorders.com//avshare/thumbnails//3249-medium.jpg

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Date: 07/01/09 07:26
Re: Passing Trains--Greatest "Toot Toot Toots"
Author: livesteamer

This one is just good old fashion fun to watch

Marty Harrison
Knob Noster, MO

Date: 07/01/09 16:49
Re: Passing Trains--Greatest "Toot Toot Toots"
Author: northerncharger

Great fun, thanks for sharing it!

Barrie, Ontario

Date: 07/09/09 02:11
Re: Passing Trains--Greatest "Toot Toot Toots"
Author: fredkharrison

Out West the nimby's have the railroads trimming their horns so much we've almost forgotten what they used to sound like. It's nice to hear the flairing trumpets in your video--sweet music to my ears.

Fred Harrison
Central Point, OR

Date: 12/29/09 01:09
Re: Passing Trains--Greatest "Toot Toot Toots"
Author: goodrail

The last Amtrak video was an "old time hoghead" that still knew how to work an air whistle. It has become a lost art with with the new whistles and engineers that don't have a clue because they learn everyhing they know in a classroom !!!!!!
I was raised around the railroad with my Dad being a locomotive engineer and I retired from the RR myself after 38 years service. Makes me sick to see where it's deterioated to today !!!!!!


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