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Canadian Railroads > Oh deer oh deer

Date: 06/15/22 12:31
Oh deer oh deer
Author: hoggerdoug

June 15, 2007 somewhere on the former BC Rail Squamish sub, our track patrol gave a heads up of a deer and fawn near the tracks. We slowed in the area mentioned and crept past the doe and very young fawn. I got a few pictures and I would image the passengers riding behind got a good view as well. Sadly over my railroad career I have encountered a lot of wildlife on the tracks and it did not end well. TheĀ  deadly encounters with the young animals still bothers me to this day.

Date: 06/15/22 12:34
Re: Oh deer oh deer
Author: hoggerdoug

Further along that day, took the siding at Tisdall and brief wait for a northbound train.
Rocky Mountaineer is a beautiful train. BC Rail was a great railroad. The scenery is fantastic.
thanks for looking,

Date: 06/15/22 14:57
Re: Oh deer oh deer
Author: RogersPass

Hi Doug, Great to see some young life on the side of the tracks.
You are Right, the BC Rail is a great railroad and many thanks for the
Photos you put up from day to day. The wife and I both enjoyed the trip
over the BC Rail on the Rocky and hope to get back there some other day..
Cheers Brian in New Zealand..

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