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Canadian Railroads > VIA's Sleeper Plus Deals have returned

Date: 11/30/22 08:53
VIA's Sleeper Plus Deals have returned
Author: DrawingroomA

Now that the Black Friday sale has ended, the above deals are again available. They seemed to be well-hidden when I tried to find them. Usually there is a link on the home page; perhaps that will return.


Date: 11/30/22 14:41
Re: VIA's Sleeper Plus Deals have returned
Author: viatrainrider

Similar to the Black Friday deal I got for my wife for our trip in March at $1039 inc tax for round trip in lower WPG - Vancouver - WPG.  Maybe Black Friday not quite as good as it was based on senior.  But I am happy as I was able to book for March a few days ago, not the specific dates given now in this case December.

EDit:  Looking further at these fares I can see that the current Sleeper Plus fares are indeed better than Black Friday.  The above mentioned fare is US dollars.  The Sleeper Plus fares are CA dollars which would be less than the above mentioned fare if converted to US.  Still happy, however, as I was able to make a March reservation now at a discount.  And I would have no way of knowing if a Sleeper Plus discount would be available for the  dates I needed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/22 19:33 by viatrainrider.

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