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Announcements > Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS

Date: 11/10/09 20:42
Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: webmaster

After much deliberation we are pleased to announce the winning choices of this years photography contest titled Past and Present:


In addition to the chosen images, everyone that entered who did not receive an honorable mention will receive a one month membership extension that will be added in the coming days. I think everyone made a good effort by digging into their collections and sharing the past and present. Great job everyone!

For winners from previous years visit our archive: http://www.trainorders.com/contest

Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

Date: 11/10/09 21:15
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: NH2006

Yay, many of my favorites won, congrats to everyone! It was a fun and very difficult contest.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/09 21:16 by NH2006.

Date: 11/11/09 02:13
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: ATSF100WEST

Great work by all - Congratulations to the winners!



Date: 11/11/09 04:10
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: varailfan

I thoroughly enjoyed viewing all of the contest entries from across the country. Past and present is one of my favorite aspects of photography. Many thanks to Todd and the TO staff for hosting the contest AND for allowing us to partner up with other photographers.

Jeff Hawkins

Date: 11/11/09 06:38
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: dmaffei

The Millbrae photo Shows how any Younger member could win the contest. Don't know how old Coast7 is, but he/she did a great job.
(Even drug the old goat into the contest)
I still don't believe that's MILLBRAE. Better find someone to fix my believer
Bob's photo isn't a commute, looks more like a football special.
I hope to see this contest venue again as I enjoy these types of comparisons.

Date: 11/11/09 07:02
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: skyview

Great contest, would like to see this one again!!!! Its great to see the old and compare to what exists now, including those images with no tracks at all... very much like the concept, wish I had my scanner working so could have entered.

Perhaps a whole section could be set up for this, would be great to see on going posts.

Date: 11/11/09 08:57
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS

I enjoyed looking at those, some of the changes were subtle but noticeable, others were drastic and almost depressing. I suppose the most depressing ones depicted trains on mainlines in the past 20-30 years that are nothing but piles of ballast or...walking trails now.

Excellent shots everybody!


Date: 11/11/09 12:27
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: Espeenut

...thanks Todd for the one month extension, that's a classy little touch, you didn't have to do it, as we all enjoyed entering, but I'd just like to offer my appreciation anyway...


Lorne Miller

Date: 11/11/09 15:09
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: Diamond_D

I have to say, this ended up being a very interesting contest, kudos for the idea and for sticking to it despite the initial backlash. It's brought out a lot of neat photos from a wide variety of places, some very cool stuff. Congrats to the winners.

Date: 11/11/09 15:59
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: webmaster

I can't take credit for the idea as Chris Toth came up with it. As for the one month prize, this was a hard contest to judge and in many respects every effort to participate was worthy of a prize.

Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

Date: 11/11/09 18:44
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: nycman

Great choices for the winners, and the contest was very interesting. Thank you for the month extension just for participating. The people who badmouth this site on other forums just don't get it.

Date: 11/11/09 23:59
Re: Past and Present Photography Contest WINNERS
Author: Maxwell

dmaffei Wrote:
> The Millbrae photo Shows how any Younger member
> could win the contest. Don't know how old Coast7
> is, but he/she did a great job.
> (Even drug the old goat into the contest)
> I still don't believe that's MILLBRAE. Better find
> someone to fix my believer
> Bob's photo isn't a commute, looks more like a
> football special.
> I hope to see this contest venue again as I enjoy
> these types of comparisons.

I'm only 18. Riding trains @ age 4 started my unlimited love for rails. Later I took a basic digital photo class and got into photographing landscape and trains. Had no clue I'm capable of winning grand prize so much thanks to T.O. for it!

Also congrats to other winners and everyone who participated.


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