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European Railroad Discussion > Barcelona airport train

Date: 01/05/23 10:03
Barcelona airport train
Author: symph1

Just flew into Barcelona, and took the airport train into the city. Fairly convenient, though it requires a shuttle bus from the international terminal.

Date: 01/05/23 14:06
Re: Barcelona airport train
Author: tramfan

Nice shot! Reminds me of a recent memory. We arrived at Barcelona Sants aboard a TGV InOui train from Lyon in November. Luckily my wife didn't mind traveling two days Venice to Barcelona via Milan and Lyon.. We left on a cruise ship across the Atlantic.

Date: 01/06/23 10:04
Re: Barcelona airport train
Author: symph1

Sounds like a great trip. I was in Sants not 5 minutes ago. Just got off the Metro, though.

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