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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CSX HH deceased

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Date: 12/16/17 11:34
CSX HH deceased
Author: elu34ch

According to TRAINS HH is recently deceased

Date: 12/16/17 11:40
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: Retired_Chief

Link, please? I do not see this reported anywhere.

Date: 12/16/17 11:43
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: Tom1of5

Likewise, I cannot find any confirmation.

Date: 12/16/17 11:45
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: chrsjrcj

Being reported by Trains Magazine Facebook page.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/17 11:46 by chrsjrcj.

Date: 12/16/17 11:58
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: Cumbres

Also on WSJ.com

Date: 12/16/17 12:00
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: prrmpup

Wall Street Journal reported at 2:50pm. You can google. Only report I have seen from media thus far.
Given the source, have to believe they would not push a story like that without being sure.

Date: 12/16/17 12:02
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: scoobydoobydoo

If true very Sad day,No mater how he ran CSX he's still a person with a Family that will miss him,Prayers to his Family....Jimmy Hnat Aka Scoobydoobydoo

Date: 12/16/17 12:06
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: ClubCar

May he rest in peace, and let's hope that someone much smarter takes over at CSX, someone who has the desire to go out and obtain business of all kinds.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 12/16/17 12:06
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: PlyWoody

Two Train Dispatcher at Selkirk were told they job was moving to Jax so they sold their home. Then the move did not happen and both are looking for a place to live. Hopefully the relocation to Florida of the Dispatcher away from the territory they know and work will be cancelled as there if really no saving in just having it so the COO can just walk around and look at the screens and try to second guess the dispatcher who runs it every day. They will both love to hear of EHH death. He created fear within an entire industry, not just CSX but NS and UP trying to make cuts too, for no real reason.

Date: 12/16/17 12:11
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: callum_out

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 16, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CSX Corporation (CSX), today issued the following statement: “It is with great sadness that we announce that E. Hunter Harrison, President and Chief Executive Officer of CSX, died today in Wellington, Fla., due to unexpectedly severe complications from a recent illness. The entire CSX family mourns this loss. On behalf of our Board of Directors, management team and employees, we extend our deepest sympathies to Hunter’s family. Hunter was a larger-than-life figure who brought his remarkable passion, experience and energy in railroading to CSX.”

Oficial from CSX.

Date: 12/16/17 12:12
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: daniel3197

Condolences to the family of EHH at this difficult time.

Date: 12/16/17 12:20
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: krm152

EHH had no regard and/or sympathy for anyone but himself.
If I expressed sympathy for his passing, I would be a hypocrite.

Date: 12/16/17 12:21
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: PennPlat

CSX CEO Hunter Harrison has died. Mr. Harrison was placed on medical leave this week, a stark reversal for investors who had shrugged off concerns earlier this year about the health of the renowned railroad turnaround artist.

Date: 12/16/17 12:21
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: darkcloud


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/18 15:26 by darkcloud.

Date: 12/16/17 12:24
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: bluesboyst

krm152 Wrote:
> EHH had no regard and/or sympathy for anyone but
> himself.
> If I expressed sympathy for his passing, I would
> be a hypocrite.

Yup.. .agreed....sad..but true

Date: 12/16/17 12:25
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: ST214

I do not usually celebrate news of people dying, but good riddance. I just hope all the damage he did can be undone, not only to the system, but all the employees he severely screwed over.

Date: 12/16/17 12:28
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: 3rd_Raton

Hunters reign of error has come to an end. The guy left a trail of destruction across the north american rail system.

Date: 12/16/17 12:32
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: cr2581

The Board of Directors should now be held accountable for the $84M payout they felt compelled to pay him. As others above have expressed, I find no joy in anyone's passing but after spending 40 years in the industry, having lived under management induced stress, the threat of job loss, and years without pay increases while trying to raise a young family, I find it hard to sympathize.

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/17 12:51 by cr2581.

Date: 12/16/17 12:32
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: ALCO630

ST214 Wrote:
> I do not usually celebrate news of people dying,
> but good riddance. I just hope all the damage he
> did can be undone, not only to the system, but all
> the employees he severely screwed over.

To all of the heartless ghouls out there it can hit you or your family tommorow. Keep that in mind when you all spout your disgusting venom.

Posted from Android

Doug Wetherhold
Macungie, PA

Date: 12/16/17 12:32
Re: CSX HH deceased
Author: GenePoon

The greedy investors who "installed" him now have nothing to show for it
but stock prices that have been outperformed by CSX competitors and
other railroads since Harrison and "Precision Railroading" took over.

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