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Eastern Railroad Discussion > It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....

Date: 09/19/22 13:36
It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: regmacSC

Well.......not quite.  On a day that initially had me wanting to find the CSX Spirit of Law Enforcement unit on M841, turned out with me finding a Heritage 1 BNSF C44-9W leading NS 219 to Industry Yard in East Point, GA.

Shot 1 was taken as the train arrived in to East Point this morning with MARTA flying by overhead.
Shot 2 came as the sun swung around a little morning, and the train was eventually moved to CP Tillman.
Shot 3.  As I waited to possibly get G70 meeting 219 here at Tillman, a pair of MARTAs actually met while I wait.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/22 13:38 by regmacSC.

Date: 09/19/22 13:41
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: regmacSC

Shot 4 saw G71 coming back from Hapeville to go in to the yard .
Shot 5 the aforementioned G70 making their way towards Oakland Jct.

Date: 09/19/22 14:21
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: srman

That was a great catch. I caught it myself Saturday as it headed east across southern Indiana. I’d post one of my shots but my computer took a lightning hit 3 weeks ago and now it the shop. Thanks for sharing your great images!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 09/19/22 14:46
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: RayH

I can tell just how much you miss the "action" in Columbia, Reggie...

Date: 09/19/22 14:47
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: Jimbo

Those are all great, but I really like the first one with the Atlanta skyline and morning haze in the background.  Thanks for posting.


Date: 09/19/22 15:01
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: regmacSC

RayH Wrote:
> I can tell just how much you miss the "action" in
> Columbia, Reggie...

I think you can relate to how much you miss the action down in Charleston, Ray.  And I think I've still haven't seen it all.

Date: 09/19/22 15:03
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: regmacSC

Jimbo Wrote:
> Those are all great, but I really like the first
> one with the Atlanta skyline and morning haze in
> the background.  Thanks for posting.
> Jim

Thanks Jim.  I must admit it looked better after I took it off the drone than when I was looking at it.

Date: 09/21/22 13:24
Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Norfolk Southern....
Author: ns1000

Great pics!!

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