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Eastern Railroad Discussion > DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table

Date: 03/21/23 08:30
DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: Lackawanna484

Several political sites note that the issue of paid sick leave for railroad workers remains active as a discussion topic in DC. Although several railroads have reached agreements with several unions, the practice is not widespread or guaranteed in law.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has begun to assemble a coalition of unlikely allies, including Republicans Mike Braun (IN) and Ted Cruz (TX) who have gone on the record with many Democrats supporting seven days paid sick leave. Apparently the recent revelations about hasty (40 seconds per rail car) inspections has hit a nerve with a spate of derailments and fires.  Mr Sanders has separately scheduled hearings on Precision Scheduled Railroading and its impact on rail workers.

Much of Mr Sanders' argument rests on his belief that the cost of paid sick leave is a tiny fraction of the funds used to buy back stock, pay bonuses and dividends, etc.  His opponents argue that the matter of paid sick leave is something to be worked out between the companies and their employees.

Date: 03/21/23 09:13
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: engineerinvirginia

While I am suspicious of legislators on the far edge whether it's left or right....sometimes they can get together and have good ideas...that is they wander into the middle which is where all the RIGHT decisions are often made. Ideas made form the extreme ends are often unworkable, detestable, or just not fitting to our personal likings...the middle is the best place, for that is where proper compromise will take us. WIth compromise, you don't win everything you want but you don't lose all of it either...all in all...a better place to be. 

Date: 03/21/23 10:49
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: RetiredHogger

Lackawanna484 Wrote:
> Several political sites note that the issue of
> paid sick leave for railroad workers remains
> active as a discussion topic in DC. Although
> several railroads have reached agreements with
> several unions, the practice is not widespread or
> guaranteed in law.
> Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has begun to
> assemble a coalition of unlikely allies, including
> Republicans Mike Braun (IN) and Ted Cruz (TX) who
> have gone on the record with many Democrats
> supporting seven days paid sick leave. Apparently
> the recent revelations about hasty (40 seconds per
> rail car) inspections has hit a nerve with a spate
> of derailments and fires.  Mr Sanders has
> separately scheduled hearings on Precision
> Scheduled Railroading and its impact on rail
> workers.
> Much of Mr Sanders' argument rests on his belief
> that the cost of paid sick leave is a tiny
> fraction of the funds used to buy back stock, pay
> bonuses and dividends, etc.  His opponents argue
> that the matter of paid sick leave is something to
> be worked out between the companies and their
> employees.

If the employees were allowed self-help (read allowed to strike) over the issue, then they'd probably be happy to leave the matter between themselves and the carriers. But since the odds of that are really low (no matter which party is in the White House), perhaps an unlikely coalition in Congress is what is needed.


Date: 03/21/23 11:07
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: engineerinvirginia

RetiredHogger Wrote:
> Lackawanna484 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Several political sites note that the issue of
> > paid sick leave for railroad workers remains
> > active as a discussion topic in DC. Although
> > several railroads have reached agreements with
> > several unions, the practice is not widespread
> or
> > guaranteed in law.
> >
> > Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has begun to
> > assemble a coalition of unlikely allies,
> including
> > Republicans Mike Braun (IN) and Ted Cruz (TX)
> who
> > have gone on the record with many Democrats
> > supporting seven days paid sick leave.
> Apparently
> > the recent revelations about hasty (40 seconds
> per
> > rail car) inspections has hit a nerve with a
> spate
> > of derailments and fires.  Mr Sanders has
> > separately scheduled hearings on Precision
> > Scheduled Railroading and its impact on rail
> > workers.
> >
> > Much of Mr Sanders' argument rests on his
> belief
> > that the cost of paid sick leave is a tiny
> > fraction of the funds used to buy back stock,
> pay
> > bonuses and dividends, etc.  His opponents
> argue
> > that the matter of paid sick leave is something
> to
> > be worked out between the companies and their
> > employees.
> If the employees were allowed self-help (read
> allowed to strike) over the issue, then they'd
> probably be happy to leave the matter between
> themselves and the carriers. But since the odds of
> that are really low (no matter which party is in
> the White House), perhaps an unlikely coalition in
> Congress is what is needed.

The carriers have been responsive to Congressional and public pressure.....to a degree at least....our feet are in the door...but there's a way to go. 

Date: 03/21/23 11:11
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: DavidP

engineerinvirginia Wrote:
> While I am suspicious of legislators on the far
> edge whether it's left or right....sometimes they
> can get together and have good ideas...that is
> they wander into the middle which is where all the
> RIGHT decisions are often made. Ideas made form
> the extreme ends are often unworkable, detestable,
> or just not fitting to our personal likings...the
> middle is the best place, for that is where proper
> compromise will take us. WIth compromise, you
> don't win everything you want but you don't lose
> all of it either...all in all...a better place to
> be. 

I would argue that the middle is what defends the status quo against change.  Only when either extreme successfully promotes an idea to the broader public does the middle eventually become supportive.


Date: 03/21/23 12:33
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: MEKoch

I hope the senators and representatives of both parties can agree on new safety standards in the new proposed safety bill.  You can be sure that the AAR will fight against any changes.  The big cariers are greedy and will only change if forced by law.  

Date: 03/22/23 03:59
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: 57A26

There's not much "middle" left among the ranks of elected politicians in state and federal legislatures.

I would be happy if any documented health care appointment could not be counted against one for attendence.

Date: 03/24/23 06:12
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: ns1000

57A26 Wrote:

> I would be happy if any documented health care
> appointment could not be counted against one for
> attendence.

And here's the problem. The attendance policies NEED to change as well as the "employees" (the people that ACTUALLY do the work) not viewed as a bunch of "ungrateful mud people"......

Posted from Android

Date: 03/26/23 19:06
Re: DC: Paid sick leave is back on the table
Author: Drknow

ns1000 Wrote:
> 57A26 Wrote:
> >
> > I would be happy if any documented health care
> > appointment could not be counted against one
> for
> > attendence.
> And here's the problem. The attendance policies
> NEED to change as well as the "employees" (the
> people that ACTUALLY do the work) not viewed as a
> bunch of "ungrateful mud people"......
> Posted from Android

I agree with my brothers 100%.

Posted from iPhone

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